Part 8: Run

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A/N: Hey! So this episode is mostly in Maverick's P.O.V because she's doing the tom foolery, with Henry on the receiving end. Enjoy!

Maverick P.O.V

"MAVERICK!!! I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" I laughed my ass off and booked it down the street, with a livid Henry Bowers chased after me.

Let me take a step back and explain.

~Start Flashback~
I drew dicks with red permanent marker all over my boyfriend's handsome face. I then took black permanent marker and drew a moustache, goatee, and a unibrow. I put the markers in the garbage cuz they ran out of ink afterwards, and all I heard was "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY FACE!?!"
I guess he woke up from his nap and looked in my mirror in my room. Belch was confused and questioned Henry what had been done. "This Reginald, This" he stepped into the hall way and Belch busted a gut, he was crying from laughter. Henry didn't think it was funny. "Dude! We have picture day tomorrow!" That made Belch laugh even more. "You and Ricky have been back for 3 days after you anniversary, and you already look like more shit."

Henry shrugged. "Where is the little monster anyways?" Belch chuckled "She's downstairs." Henry mumbled something under his breath and started to go downstairs. I was waiting by the shelf near the bottom of the stairs, Polaroid camera in hand. Henry was at the second last step, with lightning speed I steeped in front of him, and got a picture of his face with all of the atrocities on it.

~End Flashback~

All I heard was "MAVERICK!!! I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" And with that, I quickly set the camera down, and book it out of the house and down the street. Henry was running after me, IN THE OPEN WITH THE STUFF ON HIS FACE!

I am lucky that I train almost everyday, so that I can escape the wrath of Henry. I took the street across from mine and cut through peoples backyard to get to mine. As soon as I got back, Belch was there and gave me a fist bump. "Way to go! 4 min less than last month!" I jumped up and cheered. "NEW RECORD!" We both laughed but then saw Henry at the gate of our yard, oh boy. He was fucking seething.

He marched over to us, bagged Belch who dropped to the ground wincing holding his crotch area. He then flew me over his shoulder and spun me around 20 times. I almost threw up. He on the other hand, was completely fine. Henry was laughing, I got up with a blank expression, dusted myself off, and just laughed uncontrollably. Belch was still being a little bitch laying on the ground. Henry and I both laughed at him. I went over, booped him on the nose and told him to follow me to the bathroom to clean his face off. He agreed without hesitation.

While we were up there, I made him stand while I sat on the counter. I chuckled to myself while cleaning him up. I got tired of his whining, and plugged in my walkman and listened to guns and roses. I started singing out loud not even realizing it. Cuz all I saw was Henry start to smile, and hod his head. I was confused at first. "She's got a smile it seems to me, remind me of child hood memories. Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky... Now and then when I see her face she takes me away to that special place, and if I stared to long. I'd probably break down and cry. Oh oh oh oh sweet child of mine! Oh oh oh oh sweet love of mine." I was still wiping the stuff off of his face while singing along out loud.

I was getting near the end of the song, and I went full out, giving it my all. "Where do we go? Oh, where do we go now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now? Sweet chi-i-ild, sweet chi-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ild of miiiiiiiinnnnnneeeee! (Lol omg)." I took off my headphones and stared at Henry in confusion, who had his jaw hanging low. "Babe, why are you looking at me like that?"

Henry P.O.V

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. MAVERICK HAS A FUCKING AMAZING VOICE! She was just casually singing along to the song, hitting all the notes, and keeping the same pitch, not breaking tune at all! "You can sing too?!? Do you also instruments?  Are you secretly good at everything?" She chuckled. "I can't play any instruments to save my life, although, I am good at the triangle." She giggled and that was just down right adorable.

Maverick P.O.V

I got down off of the sink, only to be put back on by Henry. "What are you trying to get Bowers?" I asked narrowing my eyes. He chuckled lightly "I just want a kiss, is that too bad to ask for?" I laughed "What's the magic word?" Henry rolled his eyes "Please?"

I pulled him close and kissed him on the cheek and chuckled. I got off of the counter and left.

I went downstairs and grabbed my camera and saw that Henry had followed me. I pulled him into a kiss and snapped a photo of it. He blushed when I handed the picture to him. "There's your kiss that you wanted so badly." He took it and put it in his wallet.

"Thanks Maverick, it wasn't that hard Now was it?" He laughed "You're pushing it Bowers. You better watch it or you don't get anymore kisses!" He gasped and put his hand on his heart. "You wouldn't." I crossed my arms on my chest and arched my eyebrow. "Don't tempt me."

We stood there bickering for a good 5 min. Which then ended in us laughing about it. "Sorry for being a shit head and drawing on your face again." I had a laugh about it but was genuinely sorry. "I don't understand how you put up with me. I really don't." He chuckled "I don't know either. But I somehow still do. Maybe out of love." He shrugged and I blushed slightly.

I pulled him into a hug and he rubbed my back. "It's been almost 2 years since it happened." I started to tear up. My mind was going 90 miles a minute. I started to just break down, I was crying and my breath quickened up.

Henry P.O.V

I noticed her tense up, and I couldn't tell you how sad I was that she was breaking down in front my eyes. I pulled her in closer and I just couldn't take anymore. I pulled away but still holding onto her. "You are so fucking strong, you've made it this far, and still moving on. I can't make you forget about it, but I can try to ease the pain." I felt tears falling down my cheeks, Maverick still crying. I pulled her back into a tight hug and we just stood there for a bit.

After staying in the embrace for a good 5 min, she pulled away and dried her tears. "Thanks for always being there for me Henry!" A small smile crept up on her face and I couldn't help but smile as well.

It was at that moment, that I knew that I would do anything to help her. I was dead set in my ways to help her.

A/N: Hey guys! So, I know this was a long ass chapter, but I think it was pretty good. Thanks for reading so far!

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