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Barnum's chest tightens as he looks back at his partner, on his knees in the grass. Some friends rush toward the young man to help and Barnum sighs in relief. He's able to relax a little, but the guilt still gnaws at him as he faces forward.

Charity places her hand on her husband's knee and smiles up at him. "What's the special occasion, Phin?"

"What?" Barnum huffs in mock annoyance. "A man can't take his beautiful wife and daughters out every once in awhile?"

Charity beams at him, but inside she can't help but think there's something more to Barnum's story than just 'wanting to take them out.'

And she's right.

The ringmaster has been thinking about Phillip lately. Wondering, waiting to see if he'd bring up—

But he knew Phillip never would. Phillip didn't remember.

Or did he?

The whisper inside his mind sent a chill down Barnum's spine. He smiled back at his wife and squeezed her hand, perhaps a little too firmly. Next to them, Helen says something about the pretty lights decorating the city. They're not too far from their destination - Barnum's taking all three of his girls out to dinner in the city, and then to see a play.

Perhaps one of Phillip's favorites—

Barnum shakes his head. Charity raises an eyebrow, but, thankfully, the carriage comes to a stop before she can make a comment. Barnum is quick to rush off the carriage , and then helps both his daughters down too.

Charity is the last to get off the carriage and by then, both small girls are leading their father down the city streets with eager hands.

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