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Phillip raced outside and gawked at the sight in front of them. Protestors had swarmed onto the circus grounds. One of them - a big, burly man - sneered down at a figure lying on their back in the grass. Next to them, a ticket booth was in shambles.

"Barnum!" Phillip shouted. He hurried toward the scene and knelt down, sneering at the man who stood over them. "I'll report you to the authorities!" he threatened.

Barnum groaned and sat up. There were no visible injuries, but he gripped his head. Phillip wrapped an arm around him and gingerly pressed against a bump already beginning to form. The ringmaster winced.

"What're you going to do about it, Carlyle?" the attacker sneered. "Run home to mommy and daddy? It's not exactly a secret you've been..."

The rest of his words faded into oblivion as Phillip didn't pay him the slightest bit of attention. He was murmuring to Barnum, asking him if anything else hurt. The ringmaster insisted he was fine, but the younger man didn't dare trust his word.

When he looked up, the attacker was gone. He cursed under his breath.

"C'mon," he murmured, helping Barnum to his feet, "let's get you inside."

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