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Phillip's eyes widened. His swollen eye was unseeing, but his face drained of all color.

"Wh-What?" he gasped, wheezing as he breathed. "I - I—"

He began to hyperventilate. Anne's eyes were almost equally as wide and she laid her hands on his shoulders, soft hair brushing against his face.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I'm sorry, it was selfish of us to ask this of you while you're in this state." Her hands fell from his shoulders and she stepped away. "Please, rest up. Your wound isn't even healed." Her eyes fell to his abdomen and, though she couldn't see it through the hospital gown he wore, she flinched anyway. "We can talk later," she promised.

Pain ripped through Phillip's body like a wave of fresh hell. Sobbing, he gripped the sides of the bed and squeezed his eyes shut, agony contorting his features.

"I'll go get a doctor," Anne said hurriedly. Her voice sounded very far away. "They'll bring you medicine. I'm sorry, Phillip."

He felt the ghost of her lips on his forehead before the pain pulled him under and he was lost in the sea of unconsciousness once more.

Burn (Barlyle) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now