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"Phin," Phillip choked as the ringmaster pulled away. He wrapped his arms around the older man's neck and buries his face in his shoulder.

"I love you too," he murmurs. When he looks up again, there are tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry—"

"Don't apologize." Barnum smiles, soft, tired, and wipes the tears from Phillip's eyes. He leans in for another kiss, but winces.

"You've been through a lot," Phillip frets. "Are you being checked? You probably took in a lot of smoke."

"The doctor's coming, yes," Barnum confirmed. Phillip sighs in relief.

"Lie down," he murmurs, motioning toward the other bed. The room is meant for two, the two beds side by side, but the second bed is empty. Barnum nods and sighs as he lowers himself onto the bed. He lies back and closes his eyes, a deep sigh escaping him.

"Where's Charity? And Caroline?"

"Being checked in another room. Lots of smoke," the older man murmurs. His eyes stay closed.

Phillip nods and lies his head back. He closes his eyes.

And drifts.

In his state of half-consciousness, Phillip hardly notices when the doctor enters the room. He's startled when the man clears his throat, drumming his fingers against a clipboard.

"Phineas Barnum?" the doctor asks as Phillip opens his eyes.

"Him," Phillip murmurs, gesturing toward the man in the bed beside him. His eyes are still closed so Phillip raises his voice a little. "P.T.? The doctor's here."

Barnum doesn't respond.

"Phin?" Phillip stares at him.

"Perhaps he's fallen asleep," the doctor suggests. But Phillip doesn't hear him.

Wordless, Phillip reaches out and touches Barnum's arm. He shakes the man as hard as he can using his better arm.

Barnum lies still.

Burn (Barlyle) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now