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After the phone call, after everything had finally started to calm down a little and the protestors were led off the premises, Barnum went to check on Phillip.

The door to the guest bedroom opened without so much as a creak. "Phillip?" Barnum murmured.

Phillip screamed.

"Phillip!" Barnum dropped to his hands and knees and peered underneath the bed. "It's only me. Only me. I'm here, 'Lip."

Phillip shook all over as he gazed at Barnum with horror-filled eyes. "I-Is he—"

"He's gone now. The people outside are gone too. It's all right, you can come out."

Phillip quivered as he crawled out from underneath the bed. He sat on his knees and Barnum touched him ever-so-slightly before enveloping the younger man in his arms and pulling him to his chest. The younger man continued to shake.

"It's all right," Barnum repeated, stroking Phillip's hair, his cheeks, "I'm here. You're safe."


Barnum looked up. His wife and daughters stood at the doorway. Caroline clung to Charity's hand, watching her father comfort Phillip with wide eyes, and Helen sucked on her thumb - something she hadn't done since she was two or three.

"I think we need to talk."

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