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Charity watched the carriage disappear from sight before sighing and closing the door. Locking it, she turned to face her husband and remaining daughter.

"Can I sleep with Daddy tonight, Mommy? Please?"

Tears brimmed in Charity's eyes, but she nodded. "I suppose," she gave in.

Caroline brightened a little - the happiest Barnum had seen her in the past day or so - and tugged at her father's hand. "Come on!"

He chuckled and bent down to ruffle the girl's hair. "May I speak to your mother a moment, darling?"

A wave of uncertainty crossed Caroline's face and her young eyes immediately filled with worry. Barnum kissed her forehead.

"It'll only take a moment, I promise."

"...Okay, Daddy."

He smiled. "That's a good girl. How about you go pick out a bedtime story?"

Caroline pondered over the proposal for only a moment before nodding and running off. Once she disappeared from sight, Barnum turned to his wife.

"Thank you," he murmured. "I know this is only the beginning for us, but I - Charity?"

She stared out the window. Barnum followed her gaze and clenched his jaw. A ball of fury twisted in his gut.

Protestors were surrounding the gate.

s o I got a top hat a few days ago and IF I manage to take any decent photos (unlikely) I will attempt to model it on Twitter and Tumblr and the Barlyle Discord tomorrow 👌🏻 

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