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Charity left.

Barnum stood in the hall, alone, staring at his wife's departing back as she walked down the hall.

"What are we to do about the protestors?" he asked.

No answer.

After she disappeared from sight, the ringmaster ran a shaking hand through his hair. His eyes flicked to Helen's closed bedroom door.

At least his daughters were still oblivious to all this.

(for now)


He had to find Phillip.

Barnum wandered down the long hallway, lost in his own home with no idea where to go.

Why were there so many doors?


The room spun. He stopped. Grabbed onto the wall for support.


Where was Phillip? Phillip couldn't just disappear. His house wasn't that big, he had to find him—

His vision started to blur.

Barnum whimpered and brought a hand up to his eyes.

Why did his head hurt so bad?

Was this - what was happening?

He sunk to the floor. Pulled his legs up to his chin.

Deep breaths.



Where was Phillip?

He had to find Phillip.

Barnum struggled to his feet.




He looked up, sweaty hair plastered to his forehead.

"Helen," he breathed.

His daughter stared at him. Tilted her head to the side.

"I'm Caroline, Daddy."

"Hel - Caroline, I think I—"

He brought his hands up to his face. They were shaking.

"Daddy, why are you crying?"

Crying? He reached up to touch his cheek.


"Caroline, I—"

"Are you dying, Daddy?" Tears clipped her voice. Her lip started to tremble.

"Dying? No, Caroline, I - Daddy just needs help. Can you help me?"

She took a hesitant step forward.

"Can you find Phillip for me?"

She tilted her head to the side. Stared at him, her young face blurring in his vision.

"Is he lost?"

"No, just - can you find him for me? Please?"

"Yes, Daddy."

Barnum breathed deep. "That's a good girl."

Caroline turned to leave. She didn't get very far, though.

Somebody screamed. Then again. Again.


Barnum bolted upwards. Caroline spun around, hair whipping in her face, young eyes wide and bewildered as her father found his strength.

"Do you want me to come with you, Daddy?"

"Stay there!"

He stumbled like a drunk man down the hall.

Following the screams.

Following Phillip.

tbh the summary of this fic should be "in which Barnum tries to bottle up his feelings until he crumbles"

was not expecting Barnum to have a full-scale panic attack, but there ya go

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