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"Phineas! Where have you been? What is he doing here?"

Charity stared in disbelief at the two men on her doorstep. Barnum was struggling to hold up a very drunk, very out of it Phillip. The younger man's head lolled onto Barnum's shoulder.

"I went out," Barnum explained quickly, "and I found him...like this. I don't know where he lives so I—"

"You brought him here." She rested a hand on her hip.

Barnum nodded. "Please, Char. I couldn't leave him alone and I...I didn't know what else to do."

Charity stared at them a moment, then sighed. "Fine, you can set him up in the guest bedroom. But be quiet, Phin - the girls are asleep. I don't need them seeing Phillip like...that." She motioned vaguely toward the younger man.

"Thank you." Barnum kissed his wife on the cheek before bringing Phillip inside.

"I'm going to bed," Charity announced. She went upstairs ahead of them and, after a moment, Barnum heard a door close.

"Where are we going?" Phillip giggled as Barnum struggled to lead him up the stairs. Finally, the ringmaster sighed and deemed it easier to sweep Phillip - literally - off of his feet.

"The bedroom."

"Ohhh," Phillip giggled again and draped his arms around Barnum's neck. Barnum's face reddened.

"You're drunk, 'Lip. Very drunk."

Phillip rested his head in the crook between Barnum's neck and shoulder. The ringmaster sighed and finally, finally, made it to the guest bedroom.

"All right, down you go."

Barnum tried to set Phillip down, but the younger man clung to him, almost dragging them both to the floor. The ringmaster sighed and shook his head as he straightened himself up and opened the door. To his surprise, Phillip was the first to stumble inside. He followed.

Before he had time to even blink, Phillip was practically on top of him. He grabbed the taller man by the arms and pushed their bodies close, forcing Barnum's back against the door and, effectively, closing it.

"What are you doing?" Barnum demanded.

"I want you, Barnum."

He stood on tiptoe and leaned in close, almost brushing their lips together, but Barnum turned his head away. Phillip's lips brushed against his cheek instead. He grasped Phillip's shoulders and held his partner an arm's length away, as much as it hurt him (hurt him? What was he thinking? Charity was a few doors down) to do so.

"Listen to me, Phillip. You're drunk. You won't remember any of this - don't do something you'll regret."

"Oh," Phillip giggled. To Barnum's surprise, he smirked.

"Like I 'don't' remember that moment in the fire?"

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