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Phillip is brought out of his slumber by the sounds of low talking - a man and a woman, if he trusts his ears are working correctly. He hears his name - just a murmur in the bustle of the hospital ward - and groans as he rejoins the land of living.

He opens his eyes to see two figures standing in the doorway. One leaves and the figure remaining smiles. "Hey, you."

Phillip's eyes - or, rather, his one good eye - widen as his vision clears. "Phin?"

The sound of footsteps approach him and then the bed is dipping underneath the ringmaster's weight, his hands on Phillip's face. He draws Phillip in for a slow kiss and the younger man sighs as they pull away.

"What are you doing here?" he breathes. He brings his hand up and takes a lock of Phineas' hair, twirling it around his finger. Realizing Phineas is only in his night clothes, he opens his mouth to speak, but the ringmaster beats him to it.

"There was a fire," he whispers. His smile is tired and sad, his eyes heavy. Phillip draws away and gawks at him.

"Another one?! My God!" He winces, but otherwise ignores the fresh flair of pain in his abdomen. "Is everyone all right? Lettie, Anne—"

Phineas rests his hand against Phillip's chest, settling him.

"It was at home. Not the circus."

"What?!" That startled him even more. "My God, Phineas, I—" he blinks, at a temporary loss for words. "I'm so sorry."

"Everyone's safe. Charity and Caroline got out, and Helen's staying with Charity's parents overnight." His lips turn down at the corners. "I guess we'll all have to stay there awhile," he grumbles.

"But, Phin—"

"Shhh." Barnum presses a finger to Phillip's lips to silence him before cradling the younger man's bruised face in his hands. "I've lost everything in two fires now, Phillip, but I was lucky enough not to lose you. Then you were attacked by your own parents and I—"

He chokes up.

"I'll be damned if I let anything else try to take this opportunity away from me," he finishes hoarsely.

Phillip's breath hitches in his throat as Barnum leans forward, brushing their lips together. He can taste the smoke, but it's the softest of kisses, and when the ringmaster pulls away, there are tears shining in his eyes. He caresses the man's cheek and rests his hand against the man's jaw.

"I love you, 'Lip," he whispers. "More than you could ever know."

Burn (Barlyle) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now