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I walked over to the sink and put my dishes in, promising myself to do them later.

I sighed, what to do, what to do? I could call Amber and tell her to come over, after all, it was summer! I smiled and reached for my phone. Just as my hand touched it, it lit up. Wow, how coincidental! I picked it up and read the message.

'1 new message'

From: 'Hazza' (He told me to save his name under that!)

'Louis caught me -_- O and ur an evil woman ;)'

Wow, flirt much? I rolled my eyes and texted him back

'He caught you?! And why am I evil? I'm an evil genius :) And you agreed to change names!'

I smirked as I hit send, and got a text from 'TheCarrotKing'

'How could you?! He had my phone and you couldn't tell me? I was going crazy! What kind of friend are you?!


I rolled my eyes again- wow, I'm doing a lot of eye rolling today.

'How could I tell you? I don't even know where you live!'

Seriously, how would've I told him?

I just got onto Youtube, completely forgetting Amber. I shrugged, since these guys were 'so famous', why not check out their music? I typed in 'One Direction Music' into the little box thingy, and saw lots of songs pop up, wow, popularity!

I chose a random song, and ended up picking 'Tell Me a Lie' Eh, sounds interesting! I ended up picking the one with lyrics, and pictures, sweet! I saw Liam pop up, and some lyrics by his head.

'Can't ever get it right, no matter how hard I try. And I've tried.'

Then a black and white picture of Zayn 'Well, I've put up a good fight, but your words cut like knives and I'm tired'





And to think, I know these guys!

I downloaded it and I looked around, no one was home, I was all alone. Singing time! I plugged in my phone to my dock-thing and heard the beats come on. I had my phone close, so I could see the screen, for the lyrics.

I sang my heart out, louder than usual.

"TELL ME I'M A SCREWED UP MESS! THAT I NEVER LISTEN, LISTEN'' I scream-sang. I smiled, this was the first time I had ever sang without being in my room. It felt.... good. It felt like... freedom.

"Tell me a lie." I murmured to myself.

I texted Amber soon after my singing episode.

'Wanna come over? I'm bored! :(' I sent her.

'OMG I was just about to ask you! Yea sure! one sec!' I smiled, great minds think alike!

My phone vibrated three times.

'3 new messages' appeared across my screen.

From: 'TheCarrotKing'

'Oh, yeah...'

From: 'Hazza'

'O ya... Got2go to an inrview! Txt u l8r?'

From: 'Ambiee!'

'I'm outside!!'

I replied to Louis and Harry first, and then opened the door for Amber. I slid my phone into my back pocket, and moved out of the door way, letting her in. "Hey! Missed you!" She said and hugged me. I laughed, we just saw each other yesterday! She giggled and grabbed my hand as we ran up to my room.

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