Adele and Beaches

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(Still Louis' POV)

"Well, see ya soon!" Harry waved as we got into the parking lot. Amber and Abella waved, and we climbed into the car. Niall randomly burst into a fit of laughter and a couple of us lads groaned. He quickly composed himself as Liam stopped at a red light.

Harry - who was in the passenger seat - turned on the radio just as a song started.

"I let fall, my heart. And as it fell you rose to claim it." Adele's voice rang through the speakers. Did I ever mention I love Adele?

"My hands, they were strong. But my knees were far to weak" The song continued. I smirked. Then the pre-chorus came on.

"BUT I SET FIRE, TO THE RAIN! WATCH IT POUR AS I-" I stopped singing for a second, and put my hand on Harry's cheek, "TOUCHED YOUR FACE!" I continued with the chorus. Harry took my hand off his cheek. He looked back at me and shook his head, turning back around, muttering something about 'mental help'. I couldn't really hear over my singing.

I shut up soon after, "LET'S GO TO THE BEACH!" I randomly screamed. "Yea buddie!" Niall rang beside me. Liam smiled in the rear-view mirror looking at Zayn and Harry, "I'm in, you guys?" Zayn and Harry nodded smiling too.

"We should invite Abella and Amber!" I chirped, pulling out my phone.

To: 'Abella :D'

'Goin' to the beach. Wanna come? (Amber can come too!)


I hit send and leaned back. My phone lit up and vibrated. I opened the new text.

From: 'Abella :D'

'Sure, car pool? We can go pick you up!'

I smiled, "Abella's volunteering to pick us up" I looked up. Liam shook his head, "We're picking her up, she won't have enough room for all of us, tell her we'll be there in twenty" he said as he pulled into the driveway. I nodded and texted back.

To: 'Abella :D'

'WRONG! We're picking you up in twenty. BE READY!


I quickly typed climbing out and running into the flat.

Abella's POV

"AMBIEE! LOUIS INVITED US TO THE BEACH!" I yelled across my room, for no reason at all. We were just sitting in my room, why not? Her eyes lit for a second.

She nodded, "I'm gonna go change real quick, and tell my mummy!" She ran out of my room. I shook my head and smirked, making my way over to my dresser.

I pulled out my teal and brown bikini, and got into it. I slipped on a t-shirt and some short jean shorts.

I pulled on my teal and black flip-flops, and quickly check my appearance in the mirror. I brushed my hair out, and pulled it into a loose bun at the bottom of my head.

I packed a beach bag with the essentials: Sunscreen, towel, a couple water bottles, my phone. The usual. 

I walked downstairs and grabbed my sunglasses of the counter. I put them at the top of my head.

I walked across my lawn, and into Amber's yard. We only had about five minutes left. I walked up to her room and saw her packing her beach bag.

She turned and saw me, "Done?" I asked, and she nodded.

"LEZ BOUNCE!" I screamed, running out of her room, yelling a quick 'bye' to her mum.

I heard a knock at the door and Amber answered it. She smiled, "Why, hello there!" She waved me over and I walked to where she was. She yelled a 'BYE MUM' and we walked out.

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