Wacky Walmart and Loopy Lifts

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Abella's POV

My phone vibrated, and started singing 'Up All Night' I ran over to it, and opened the new message.

From: 'TheIrishMan'

1 new video

I took of my guitar and set it on my bed, and I sat next to it.

'This is Louis, The Tommo, Tomlinson, with you know Niall' I saw Louis, and it looked like it was outside.

'How come you get the cool intro? 'Cause I'm The Tommo. Sassy' It sounded like Niall in the background.

'We're going to -attempt to- staple jello to a tree.' I face plamed. This sounded like something Louis and Niall would do.

'Because we're rebels like that. With, you know, Liam's supervision of course'

I rolled my eyes, and kept watching.

I saw Niall pick up a chunk of jello, and hold it against the tree. He got a stapler from Louis, and attempted to staple it to the tree.

It stayed.

For about two seconds, then it fell.

I smiled, and saw Niall repeated it again, four times.

He grabbed another chunk, 'This is the last chunk' he showed the empty bowl. He set it down, and held it against the tree. He got the stapler and sent it though the jello.

It stayed.

'VICTORY!' Niall screamed, throwing his jello-ed hands in the air.

I rolled my eyes, 'And that ladies and gentlemen, is how you staple jello to a tree' Louis said, the smiled, 'This is Lou, The Tommo, Tomilnson, Niall Horan, and Liam Payne, signing off. BYE'

The video cut off. I smiled, and locked my phone, throwing it on my bed. I grabbed my guitar, and walked up to my stand.

I played the intro, and started to hum along, still slowly.

Niall's POV

"SEND THE VIDEO TO ME!" I yelled at Louis, who was on the other couch. He nodded, hitting a few buttons.

I took out my phone, and saw it already sent.


I saved it, and sent it to Abella, why not? It was jello stapled to a tree.

"How come we get bored so easily?!" I asked after a moment of dead silence. Louis shrugged, "I don't know"

I stood up and looked at Louis, motioning for him to come closer with my finger. He obliged, and stood next to me. I whispered in his ear, and he nodded, grinning.

We walked upstairs, tip-toeing. I held a finger to my lips, and I put my hand on the door knob. I counted down on my fingers, and I threw the door open.

"BOO!" We screamed simultaneously.

Liam looked up from his laptop, and held up his hands.

"Ahh..." He said sarcastically.

He was sat up against the wall, his laptop, in his lap. I ran over and so did Louis, we jumped on his bed.

"What's wrong with you guys?" He asked calmly. I shrugged and let my self fall, landing on my bum in a sitting position.

"Boredom" I said, and Louis sat next to me. He shrugged, "Me too" I smiled, and crawled over to him, sitting net to him, laying my head on his shoulder. Louis followed, his head doing the same.

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