Ice Cream!:D

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"I bet Amber's spying my house right now..." I mumbled, looking at my window. Niall raised his eyebrow, "Why...?" I smiled and turned back to him, "I promised her ice cream when you left"

He smiled, "Tell her to come over! She's your best friend, I don't want to keep you from your best friend!" I smirked at him, "You just want ice cream, right?"

He smiled and looked at the ground, "No..." I smiled and stood up, "C'mon" I tugged his arm. I walked downstairs with Niall trailing behind me. I grabbed Niall's arm and dragged him across my lawn into Ambers'.

I opened her door and walked up to her room, yelling a quick 'hello' to her mom. I threw open Amber's door and saw her smushed against her window. I smirked at Niall. I let go of his arm and held a finger to my lips. I slowly crept up to Amber and leaned next to her ear.

"Wha-cha doin?"

She jumped a foot in the air, gasping. "Jesus" She held her hand to her chest as I busted out laughing. Niall soom joined me in laughter as our sides were bursting.

She smirked and crossed her arms, "Ha-ha, thank God, I thought you guys broke out into a heated make-out session..."

I rolled my eyes as Niall flushed a pink. She smirked, and I grabbed her arm, "C'mon, we're getting ice cream" Amber smiled and 'woo!'ed. But then she stopped dead in her tracks.

I looked back at her confused, "What's wrong?" I raised my eyebrow. She looked heastantly between Niall and I, "I don't wanna be a bother..." I smiled, "Don't worry, he wants ice cream too" I nodded over to him.

Amber stayed hesitant, "Are you sure...?" I smiled, "Yes, c'mon!" I dragged her behind me, along with Niall.

I dragged them back to my house, and into the kitchen. Amber sat on the counter whie Niall simply leaned on it. I opened the freezer, "Vanilla or chocolate?" I asked. "Either" They replied monotonly. I smiled and pulled out the vanilla, setting it onto the counter.

I grabbed three bowls and set them on the counter. I looked up at Amber, "Were you really spying on us?" Amber smiled, "For like three minutes, then you came to my house, scaring the life out of me" She hit my arm.

I rubbed the sore spot and Niall softly hit Amber's arm, "Hey! Don't abuse my girlfriend!" She smirked, "Fine, I'll hit you" She hit his arm. I hit her this time, "Don't abuse my boyfriend!" Soon it turned into a full-around slap-fest. She looked up at the ceiling, "Where's Louis when I need him?"

I smiled, "Probably doing something weird that's normal in his nature" I shrugged, and she smiled, "Yep, knowing him"

I started to scoop the ice cream into the bowls, and handed them out. I looked at the spoon in my hand and back to Niall, "You know how Liam's scared of spoons?" He nodded, "Yeah" I kept looking at the spoon, "How does he eat ice cream?"

Niall shrugged, "With a fork" I raised my eyebrow. Amber spoke up, "Soup?" Niall shrugged again, "He dosen't"


"He uses two cups"

My eyebrows raised, "Wow" Niall nodded. Amber spoke up again, "So, is Abella doing well on her X-Factor song?" She smiled at Niall. Niall smiled brightly and looked at me, "She is doing lovely" I smiled and turned to Amber, "I'm still not telling you"

Her shoulders slumped, "DANG IT!" She regained her composure and smiled, "No no, it's okay. I will suck it up and respect your decision" I smiled, "Thank you"

We continued talking about random topics, from the actual ice cream to shoes.

"Nuh-uh! Converse are the best shoes!"

"What about Vans?"

"Yeah... Them too..."



I smiled at the conversation, "Can we get any randomer?" Amber returned the smile and shrugged, "We could talk about pillows, markers, curtains, dogs..." She named random things.

I narrowed my eyes, "Touche" She smirked, "You asked" I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, but I wasn't intending an answer"

"Well, you should have-" She paused for a second, thinking, "Tended" I rolled my eyes again, "Only you would say that" She smiled sweetly, "Gotta love me"

I sighed, "Sadly"

"How dare you?!" She gasped.

"Dared I shall" I replied smiling. Niall spoke up, "Oh, yeah, Amber! Lou told me, to tell you that you're coming to our concert!" He smiled when Amber squealed.

"Woo!" She smiled. Niall smiled again, "I take it you're excited?" She smirked, "Yes! Duh!"

Niall smiled and his hand flew to his pocket. He dug around for a second, but then pulled out his phone.

"Hello? Yep... Yeah, I told them... Aw, five more minutes? Fine... Yeah, one sec" He sighed and hung up his phone. He stood, "They're outside" He grumbled.

I smiled, "You sounded like a teenager asking his mum for 'five more minutes' of sleep" He smiled and shook his head, "I am a teenager, and I do like my sleep" I rolled my eyes and stood up.

Amber gave Niall a quick hug, "Bye Niall! Give Lou a hug and kiss from me!" She said and ran up to my room.

He turned after her, "Hug- yes, kiss- no!" I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his waist, "So, no kiss?" I pouted. He smirked, "Sure" I quickly pecked his lips, "Okay, now, I'm so sad, you must go, but, you must" He pouted, "Tease" He muttered.

I smiled, "Just c'mon" I grabbed his hand and dragged him to my door. He pouted again, "But I don't wanna go!" I smiled weakly, "I know, but if you don't hurry -knowing their dirty minds- they'll think... dirty"

His eyes widened, "Yeah, I better, yeah... Talk to you soon babe!" He power-walked the rest of the way to my door. I smiled, "Tell the boys I said hi!"

He pecked my lips, "Will do" I smiled and opened the door. I looked out and waved, getting a few in return. Niall walked, turning back one last time, "Call me" He mouthed.

I rolled my eyes, flashing him a thumbs-up. They started to drive off and I walked back into my house, up to my room. I saw Amber sitting on my bed, swinging her legs back and forth.

I smiled and sat next to her, "'Sup girlfriend?" I nudged her shoulder. She smiled, "Nothin' much, you?"

"Feelin' fine and dandy" I smiled.


Hello people-ees!:D

So sorry for the wait, yeah. Really sorry T.T Blame writer's block. BLAH. I sat for days just staring at the screen, I re-wrote the beginning of this chapter multiple times. MULTIPLE. I'm still not sure I like it... :P

Okay: 1.) School is the day after tomorrow for me. I want to go hide in a hole right now. WHY?! WHY ME?! To anyone who didn't get the message within that: Uploads will probably be like this from now on. YAA- no. Just, no. I'm trying to give myself a schedule for uploading, but I was never good at schedules... I can barely go with school (That bloody word *shudder*) schedules.


I'm so sorry to say that, I really want to just lock myself away and write. Just: write. WHY SUMMER, WHY MUST YOU COME TO AN END?!?! NO! DON'T LEAVE ME!

On to happier notes:)


I have a REALLY good idea for the concert!:D I think you might enjoy it(: I have a feeling- a good, good feeling, yeah(; -that it may be a BIT longer than the latest chapters. I will start typing ASAP tommorow, and hopefully have it up!(: ... HOPEFULLY


Over and Out ;*



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