Chapter 5

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I tried to take a step back and fell. Steve helped me up and I laughed nervously. I don't know what to do. I cant say no, but what about Bucky. First Steve was trying to help me with him, now he's going to steal me away from him?! Steve put his arm around my shoulder and I felt my face get hot. God, why does he have to be so sweet? "Have fun you two." The queen laughed as she and the king walked away. "Not too much fun." The King teased.

As soon as the king and queen left the room Steve began walking me down the hall I came from. He leaned in and whispered in your ear, "Did you get the note?" My thoughts were scattered and I couldn't think of what note he was talking about. Suddenly it hit me. "Oh that... Yeah, but he saw it before me and he took the scarf." Finally I began to wonder how he knew that about James. Steve laughed, "Well I'll tell you the same tricks work on me... Plus a few more."

James walked into the hallway and I felt another tremor. If I can't find a way to manage these feelings I'm gonna have a stroke. "Hey James," I spoke cheerily abandoning Steve's arm and walking toward James. He smirked and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Hey, (Y/N). What's up Steve?" His smirk only grew as I heard Steve approach from behind. I felt Steve snake his arms around my waist and place his chin on top of my head. James' smirk dropped looking at Steve. "What's going on right now?" I couldn't help but inquire on the situation.

"Nothing~" James and Steve glare at each other but still manage to speak sweetly to me. "Speaking of which, why don't you just call me Bucky from now on." He smiled as he looked at me. His expression returned to its sour state as he looked to Steve. He released my waist and left a small peck on my lips before saying, "See you later, my princess." Steve walked away prideful as I gawked at him. "princess?" James glowered. "I... umm.." words evaded me. James gently grabbed my waist and pulled me toward him. "Apparently I didn't make it clear enough," He pulled me into a kiss more passionate than last night. "You're mine, don't forget it again,"

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