Chapter 19

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The room was huge and had a closet to match. It had technology and aid embedded in the walls. You turned back to Tony with a massive grin on your face. You gave him a short hug and thanked him. "Don't thank me too soon," Tony chuckled. You gave him a slight look and said, "What?" Tony nervously chuckled, "Well, you kinda have a room next to the most intolerable person in the tower." I laughed at his words. "You think that's a problem? I had a room near Bucky." The conversation continued for a bit longer. Then the two of us returned upstairs where there were two more people you weren't acquainted with. One blonde and seemingly well built and the other thinner and having black hair.

"This is Thor," Tony said gesturing to the blonde one, "And this is Loki, the annoying one whose room is next to yours." He pointed to the dark haired one. I walked up to the dark haired one and shook his hand, "I'm sure we can get along," I said with a dark smile taking him by surprise. He pulled his hand away tentatively. As he did I looked at him deviously and he pulled away even faster. I returned to my sweet state before anyone else could notice. Thor laughed and threw his arm around my shoulder pulling me into a friendly hug. He radiated positivity, as a complete polar opposite to his dark and gloomy brother. It threw me off. Bruce entered the room with a pop tart in hand and Thor had a nearly betrayed look on his face. "Banner, is that one of the pink berry pop tarts?" Bruce looked at the pop tart and back up at Thor, "Yes," He replied with a hesitant tone.

"I'm sorry, (y/n). I'm afraid I must reclaim what's mine." Thor stated before running off after Bruce. "I EVEN LABELED THEM THIS TIME!" He yelled. "YOU WROTE STRONGEST AVENGER ON THEM!" Bruce yelled back before there was a large thud and the sound of broken glass. Tony sighed, "I'm gonna have to take care of whatever that was," I was about to ask if he wanted help before this extremely young boy came running in with a giant grin on his face.

"MR. STARK I GOT A CHURRO!" The boy shouted excitedly. Tony sighed again. "Woah, who are you?" He asked and I couldn't help but smile. "I'm (y/n), and you are?" His expression went from confused and happy to excited... and also happy. "NO WAY! YOU'RE ACTUALLY STILL ALIVE?!" He shouted again. "oh wait, I'm Peter." He spoke realizing that he hadn't answered me. I smiled at him and realized something. "What is that ?!" I looked at the glowing rectangle in his hand. Peter looked at his hand and lifted the object. "Oh, that's my phone." as he said that, it lit back up with a little ping noise. "A phone? Dang. It's so thin!" Tony shooed Peter away before I could marvel at the device anymore.

"what was the last phone you saw like?" Tony asked with a smug look on his face. "It looked like a fucking brick," I responded with an aggravated tone. Tony laughed and I gave him a sour look. He took my hand AGAIN and lead me into yet ANOTHER room. He turned on the light and you saw a bunch of little phones like the one Peter had laid out on a table. Tony picked up one and handed it to me. I looked at it and pressed the button on the side. It lit up and had a sky theme that moved when I tilted it. Tony slide his finger up from the bottom of the screen and it revealed a few small boxes with titles under them. I was absolutely amazed. Suddenly he clicked something on the bottom of the phone and a small pen came out. He clicked a new button that had shown up on the screen and even more, buttons popped out of it. He clicked one labeled coloring. He handed the phone to me along with the pen. "I heard you like to draw, give it a try." Tony leaned back against the table. I started to sketch and within a moment or two I was finished. I turned the phone back to tony so he could see the basic drawing of him. Tony smiled and took the phone and pen back. I was about to turn it off when I heard a loud thud. 

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