Chapter 13

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"All of the tests came back negative." I didn't want it to be true but I more so wanted to know what the truth was. "Even the test for hu-" "Yes, they all came back negative." He cut me off. My heart sank and I could feel Steve's and James' eyes on me. I looked at them and almost immediately averted my gaze to the floor. They clearly wanted to ask me what was going on but refused to push on something I was clearly uncomfortable with. "We are about to go into cryofreeze. It's the only way that we can stay alive until the entire war blows over." I spoke just loud enough for them to hear me. "So we're just going to run from the fight?" Steve spoke up after a short moment of silence. "I have to agree with Steve. Shouldn't we help if we're perfectly able?" James seemed almost offended by the sentiment that he was supposed to just wait it out. "I'm following protocol." I muttered. "I'm not just your everyday guy, (y/n)!" Steve started to raise his voice. It took me by surprise but I didn't move my sight from the spot on the floor I was staring at. I wasn't sure what to say and Vision stepped in for me. "This isn't your average war, Mr. Rodgers." Steve quickly backed down after hearing Vision speak to him.

Seeing Steve back down so quickly startled James. He took a step back. "What do you mean this isn't your average war?" He sounded uncertain that he actually wanted to know. Vision looked at me. "This is a war between worlds. Literally. They are looking for the last of their kind's royalty." I explained cautiously. "Well, if we have them why don't we just give it back? Wouldn't that be easier?" Steve voice was quiet. "If we were to give them back now they would surely destroy the planet." I started but nearing the end of the sentence my voice began to fry. "They have been changed to the point where it would be an indescribably horrid gesture." Vision added while I composed my thoughts. "It would be the equivalent of someone handing your child back to you mutilated in a paper bag." I finished my analogy looking at them to see their faces horrified. Steve seemed mortified. "Do we know who it is or where they are?" There was a pause. "Yes, we do." I stated quickly. "Who?" James' voice cut in sternly.

I let out a sigh before pushing James into his cryo-chamber and shutting the door behind him locking him in. Vision did the same to Steve. Tears welled in my eyes as they closed their eyes and fell asleep. Vision put his hand on my shoulder signaling that it was time for me to do the same. I stepped in after saying goodbye and thanking him for his help. I shut my eyes and drifted into unconsciousness.

Third person POV

Now that (y/n), Steve, and Bucky were in cryofreeze Vision could hear people looking for the royal family's corpses along with (y/n)'s. Wanda was close enough to the beginning attack to have been rendered unconscious. Vision had vowed to protect her and left for only a moment to take her body to safety. He came back and found that the lab caved in and the chambers for Steve and James were gone.

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