Chapter 21

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A.N.- sorry it took so long but school kinda started to pile up and I no longer am getting paid to write this. I will have the next part up very soon since it is in the works right now. 

"Oh wow! It's Captain Dream-Boat!" Wade spoke in a tone that I just knew he was doing something overly feminine with his hands. "Hey, Steve!" I was really happy he was here and I didn't really feel like questioning it. "Gasp, first name basis?!" Wade continued his semi-annoying shenanigans. "Did you just say, 'gasp' out loud?" I turned back to him and gave him a slight look. You gave Steve a confused look AS he reached the group, "What are you doing here?" Steve smiled, "Well I saw you run out of the tower and then Tony was stuck to the floor and I just decided the best line of action would be to follow you." Peter was standing semi-defensively trying to creep away while we were distracted.

"Now, Peter, didn't we talk about this already?" Steve's tone was a bit sassy but still soft. "I know, but I wanted to spend some time with him and Tony said no and I didn't know where you were so I just left and-" Steve cut Peter off saying, "No, I meant about webbing Tony in the lobby of the Tower." "Oh yeah... Don't do that unless no one is going in or out... But I didn't have much of a choice, he was chasing me," Peter spoke faster with every word making Steve smile a bit. Steve brought the conversation back to the previous point, "If you can't find me and there's nothing else you can always ask Friday where I am." Peter sighed, "Yes sir."

"Alright, now what were you guys thinking?" Steve moved to a lighter topic. "Well we were planning to go to the new movie," Peter spoke while thinking about his words carefully for some reason. "Well, what a coincidence, they also happen to have the rendition of that one show Bucky took you to back at the castle." Bucky came running from behind a building. "Dear God am I going to round that corner and find the rest of the avengers?" Bucky chuckled at my remark, "No, but I had to know where Steve was going." I sighed, "Alright, let's go," We walked toward the cinema. Steve, James and I went to our show while peter and Wade go to theirs. We grabbed drinks and sat down in our spots. James was sat at my left and Steve was at my right. The show had been going for about 10 minutes before James and Steve simultaneously their fingers with mine. My first thought was, 'how am I going to eat my food?' But then I began to focus on the fact that two extremely attractive guys that I liked both like me... I look around ad for the first time noticed that the theater was empty except for us. I couldn't focus on the movie anymore. Steve leaned over and kissed the right side of my neck. James let go of my hand and turned my head to look at him before quickly pulling me into a soft kiss. the kiss broke only to have it resumed by Steve. James moved his left hand to my thigh. I suddenly regained control of my thoughts and pushed the two back. "You guys realize we are in public right?" Steve and James sighed in unison. I grabbed my drink and brought my knees to my chest. I could tell my face was turning red. Thank goodness we were in a dark theater.

The movie ended with a few moments of stifled laughter and some inside jokes from the royals. When we left I threw my cup away and immediately both of my hands were occupied again. James and Steve seemed to have no intention of letting me forget their plans in the theater. We saw Peter and Wade walking to a cute little shop where they were meeting with two girls. I decided it was best to just let them enjoy themselves and we went back to the tower. Steve and James went to their rooms and I went to go see who was hanging around the tower. I saw Pietro in the kitchen and decided that it'd been too long since I've spoken to him. I stepped into the kitchen and Pietro immediately notices me. He zooms over to me faster than I can see.

"Well I always thought you were fast but dang I must've missed something huge," I stated smugly leaning on the door frame. Pietro chuckled and pat me on the head, "Well you're not wrong," We talked for a short while about basic day to day things before I said goodbye and went to look for the boys. I walked past a room with the door open and noticed Steve sitting comfortably on the bed reading through a book. I stepped in and sat next to Steve looking at the book before resting my head on his shoulder. He put in the small slip of paper he was using as a bookmark and set the book on bedside desk behind me. Steve called out to the disembodied voice and the door shut and locked.

A.N.- The upcoming chapter will be smut... Just forewarning. The first part will be Steve and then Bucky will be later. 

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