chapter 17

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Back to normal. The last chapter has very little impact on this chapter so dont worry if you didn't want to read it.

I woke up the next morning in the bed, however James and Steve were nowhere to be found. I looked around for my clothes and for what ever reason I couldn't find them. I waited a minute in thought back to last night. "How do I talk to the building voice?" "Hello, Ms.(l/n). My name is Friday, If you need anything you can just ask." I jumped at the sound of the voice. "Okay Friday, do you know where my clothes are?" I ask really hoping I wouldn't have to leave the room to get them. "Yes, they're on the desk in the corner and if you're curious where Steve and Bucky are, they're in the kitchen. They figured you would want some sleep." The voice responded relieving you of your question. "Thank you, disembodied voice." You spoke to it before grabbing your clothes and getting dressed. You realized how sore you were. you brushed it off while you left the room to find the bathroom.

You made it into the bathroom, and as you faced the mirror you saw the mess that was your hair and immediately brushed your hair into a ponytail. You reevaluated your appearance only to find that you had bruises on your neck, collarbone, and next to your ear just below your jawline. You paused for a moment and then pulled your hair back out of the ponytail ant used it to cover as many marks as possible. You walked out to the kitchen to find James, Steve, Pietro, and Clint fighting over a remote. You couldn't help but wonder what remote they would be fighting for in the kitchen. You past them and grabbed a bowl. Wanda walked in and a box of cereal levitated down from the top shelf with a red plasma around it. You looked at her with astonishment and she smiled back at you. "You're not the only special one anymore," I stopped at her comment. "How did you know?" I asked. "Oh, that's right, Vision told me. We were discussing it before you woke up so that you and I could talk if you wanted." She responded. "Oooh-" I agreed when suddenly I felt an object hit the back of my head.

I turned back quickly catching the object before it hit the floor. I looked at it and noticed it was the remote that the boys were fighting over. You felt rage build within you as you glared up at the 4 men in front of you. You took one step foreword and saw them each take two steps back to avoid what you were planning to do. I could hear the plastic device cracking in my hand. It was pulled from my grasp before it was completely crushed. I turned to see that Wanda had taken in from me to keep me from destroying anything. I pulled a pencil out of my pocket and lazily threw it in the direction of the boys. Bucky lifted his arm to keep it from hitting him in the face. It broke into a bunch of little splinters managing to lodge themselves into each of their skin. They yelped in pain as Wanda walked me out of the room.

The two of you sat down on the couch together and Wanda turned the Tv to a cartoon channel and we talked about what happened before the garden. Wanda didn't intend to mess with you, she was messing around in general. She wanted to be remember as your joking friend from the ranks. She didn't think the comment would have any real effect on you. And the stealing also wasn't her. She was framed by Johann Schmidt, which didn't surprise you. That guy was always trying to overthrow the King and Queen, no matter the cost. The two of you joked for a while before the 4 from before came in with small cuts and welts on their skin. You chuckled as Pietro, looking defeated, walked over to Wanda to ask for help removing the slivers. She also seemed amused by the situation. The red plasma moved around him and all of the splinters were pulled out at once.

Pietro yelp and rubbed on of the sores for a moment before turning to thank his twin. Since Wanda and you were as far to the right of the couch as you could be he sat to your left side. You smiled as he rubbed the small spots left behind. The three others walked over to Wanda and also asked for help. I chuckled as she repeated the process three more times. You  apologized for creating extra work for her. She laughed and told you it was no big deal. The group of you sat and watched TV for a few a while before Tony, Natasha, and Bruce walked in. Natasha sat on the part of the couch behind you and started playing with your hair since it was longer than hers. She was almost done French braiding your hair when she saw that you had something on your neck. "What is this?" She said smugly while touching the spot behind your ear. You had completely forgotten about the marks by now and could feel yourself turn a bright red. You could feel everyone looking at you as you pulled the hem of your shirt over your face.

Yourself, Wanda, and Nat left the room and went to Nat's room. Nat shut the door and told Friday to make sure no one gets in. She and Wanda sat close to you and smirked deviously at you. "So how did you get those?" Nat asked. "Ummmm. Steve and James..." You said quietly not sure how they would react. "Both of them?" Nat asked. "No way! I can't believe that you really were with both of them!" Wanda seemed more excited than you expected. "Damn, you really know how to get it, (y/n)!" Nat seemed proud of me. "I knew about Steve, but I thought that James hated you." Wanda smiled. "Hold on, How long have you and Steve been a thing?" Nat asked. "Umm, I guess I've technically been committed to Steve and James for 67 years." I responded while somewhat doing the math in my head.

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