Chapter 2

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The amount of times I straightened out my dress you would have thought it was entirely creased up, like it had been dragged through a hedge backwards. Which, obviously wasn't the case at all, I was just nervous, to say the least. "Breathe, Y/N." I squeaked hearing Wanda's voice. I ended up doing some completely jacked up Kung Fu shit into the air as a reflex. Wanda snorted throwing her palm to the chest leaning back, to which I pouted. "Don't laugh, you could have seriously given me a heart attack." I stressed to her, Wanda only laughed more and I hit her arm in response. "Ow." It was her turn to pout. "Serves you right." I giggled before glancing over to the large ballroom doors fit for a giant. Seriously though, why did they need to be that big?

I could practically hear laughter and music vibrating through the walls. My heart raced in Tim with each vibration. "I can do this." I whispered to myself before I felt Wanda practically shoving me through the doors, "yes, you can now go!" She giggled from behind me. I nodded once watching as two guards opened the doors in unison.

My breathing hitched at the sight, slowly I made my way through the doors and onto the balcony overviewing the whole room. My mouth gapped at the sight, men and woman danced around with ease, waiters and servants weaved through the crowds gracefully. I'd been to a ball before, but never on this side. The crystal chandeliers above me reflected in my eyes making them look at though they were sparkling.

At that point I didn't realize all eyes were on me until I looked down. I blinked twice looking behind me to see if they could have been looking elsewhere, but nope. I swallowed dryly before slowly, steadily making my way down the stairwell. Princess', princes, royals from all over all staring straight at me, some taking pauses to utter words of into another persons ear.

It was then that I caught on that while all the ladies in the room were wearing big poofy styled dresses, mine was more subtle. Well, in this sense it was the dress that stood out most. My hair sported a beautiful half up half down look, accessorized with flowers. As I looked over to the King and Queen I noticed they both had wide grins attached to their faces. The whole room seemed to come to a halt as I made my way over to them taking a polite bow. "Your majesties." I greeted before seeing them bow their heads in response.

Now if that wasn't enough to fluster me along with the stares of everyone around me, I turned to spot James alongside a few of his friends. He too was looking at me wide eyes and in awe. I gulped as King George rose from his throne. "Don't stop on our account." He laughed signaling for the band to start playing again. "Thank you." I breathed to which George laughed, he sensed my nervousness from the get go.

"Tonight, my dear, you are a royal." I blushed at his words as he held out his hand. "Allow me to be your first dance." I laughed gently looking over to Winifred who clapped her hands eagerly. "Yes, go!" I bit my lip nervously as the King took me to the dance floor and began to twirl me around. "You look wonderful my dear, I'm sure your parents would be very proud of the woman you are today." My eyes stung slightly at his words. As I glanced to him I couldn't stop a stray tear from falling to which he caught. "Both myself and Winifred are extremely proud of you." I laughed gently as he twirled me around under his arm and brought me back into hold. "You know. You're the closest thing to parents that I will ever know." I murmured to which the king replied by kissed the back of my hand gently.

"Now my dear." He spoke as we came to a stop. "I don't want to see you alone. Not once, so mingle. Actually, — " He looked around before motioning a blonde man to come over. "Steve my boy — dance with this beautiful young lady for me." Steve nodded once smiling brightly as he held out his hand.

As we were dancing I found out that Steve was a close friend to James, that he was also a prince. He was also a very polite man. He was caught off guard when I confessed to being a servant but that didn't seem to bother him much from what I could tell. "James hasn't told me much about you. It's confusing to me since you're so sweet." I giggled softly as the two of us made our way the confectionary table. "That honestly doesn't surprise me."

I picked up a plate before looking over the table to see what I wanted. "He's never really been fond of me." I shrugged continuing, "I think he sees me as a threat, I'm not sure why though, I would never do anything to step on anyone's toes. I mean, even coming here... like this was a risk in my eyes." Steve mimicked my actions in picking up a plate and squinted, "I personally don't think it's that... "

I took a bite from a strawberry I swallowed it before replying, "Oh? What do you think it is then? Because I can't see it being anything but that" The blond haired male smiled almost suggestively, "well I think —" A dark haired male cut in between us stopping Steve from finishing, James, "Steve, may I speak with, Y/N for a moment?" Steve glanced to me seeing me nod silently telling him it was okay. "Alright, Bucky... I'll be over there if you need me." He smiled pointing to where he was going, at that point I didn't know if he was talking to James or myself. Wait, did he just call James... Bucky? Hmm.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I jumped a little at James' tone. "Excuse me?" I breathed back placing my plate of food back down. "You heard me... You don't belong here. You're a servant girl nothing more and you will never be anything more. You're just a foundling with no hope. Not even your parents wanted you. You think they died?! Please, why do you think you were alone that night." My breath caught in my throat. "That's not true." My words barely came out as a whisper as I tried my best to hold myself together. He scoffed pointing at me, "of course it's true and you know it! You're lost cause! Just leave already." To say that it didn't sting hearing his words was would have been a lie. I held back the will to cry in front of him before nodding once. He was right, I didn't belong here. I don't why I thought this was a good Idea. "You're right." His face seemingly dropped slightly before hardening once more. "Of course i am." He replied.

I forced a smile before bowing my head a little. "I'll be out of your hair in no time, your highness." With that I practically bolted from the ballroom trying to hold back my tears until I reached the outdoor garden. I sniffled letting the tears flow freely down my cheeks before kneeling down in front of the large water fountain.

I buried my head in my arms sobbing softly as I let my thoughts run a rampage. He was right, I wasn't royal. Never would be. This whole night was just a dream that I had to wake up from. I just had to face reality. I was so engrossed in my crying and thoughts that I barely heard the footsteps behind me. Feeling a hand on my shoulder I looked up sniffling a little wiping my eyes. "Wh-what are you doing out here?"

Third person POV

As Y/N practically sprinted out of the ballroom it didn't go unnoticed. The queen frowned at the sight and the king... well the king clenched his fist in anger as he looked over to where she was running from. His boy. He would have given him a piece of mind if Steve hadn't beaten him to it. Steve was equally annoyed shoving Bucky's shoulder lightly. "What the hell was that about, Buck? What did you say to her?"

Bucky sighed looking back to Steve putting his tough glare back on. "I told her the truth... she doesn't belong here. She never did. She's a commoner, a nobody." The blond scoffed folding his arms over his chest. "Really? Is that so? Is that why you couldn't keep your eyes off her all night?" Before Bucky could utter a single word Steve intervened, "Don't bother trying to tell me you weren't I saw the way you looked at her when she walked down those stairs. I saw the way you were looking at us as we danced. I saw you. I saw it all. Whatever you said to make her leave was uncalled for and you know it."

Bucky scoffed picking up a glass of red wine from the table. "Whatever." He groaned ignoring everything Steve had just said. Or more so, tried to ignore it as he walked off to a group of ladies standing at the side of the ball. Steve looked on watching him as he shook his head in disbelief.

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