Chapter 8

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Steve laughed with me and hit his right hand on the left side of his chest. I put the book back in the bag and zipped it shut. I grab his hand pulling him toward the rose bush where I was drawing the rainbow rose. I stopped when I noticed a small blue jay perched atop the bush. I pointed slowly to show Steve. He saw the bird and we both stared in awe for a short moment. The bird looked at us and flew away. Blue jays are extremely rare in our area so seeing one is known to be the best luck you could have. In fact, here it is a good omen to bring love and prosperity. Of course I see one while I'm with Steve. "Well would you look at that?" I look at Steve. His eyes glimmered like an array of fireworks were just set off in his head. His grip on my hand tightened slightly. My heart was racing. He was always so gentlemanly but I wondered if at times he had as intricate dreams as I had. He leaned down placing a small kiss at my lips. Just as he began to pull away I pulled him back into a more passionate kiss.

I could feel his heart rate increase. His hands landed at my hips as mine reached around his neck. This kiss broke and Steve's face turned a bright red. I couldn't fight the smile making its way onto my face. "Love and prosperity." The voice came from behind him startling both of us. We looked to see Wanda standing at one of the entrances to the garden. Wanda stood smirking. I slowly worked my heart rate down as Steve greeted her. "I was sent to make sure you two didn't get into too much trouble." She chuckled as she walk over to us. "At least it's not Prince James." She murmured in my ear which sent chills down my back. I couldn't imagine what would happen if he found out. I could feel my face go pale as Steve looked at me. "Are you alright?" His question went in one ear and out another as my thoughts scrambled bringing me the worst case scenario. He touched my shoulder pulling me away from the horrifying amalgamation my thoughts conjured. I jumped in response but quickly relaxed noticing that Steve seemed so concerned for me. The last thing I wanted to do was make him worry. I brushed it off but Steve didn't seem convinced.

Wanda left and we sat on the bench in the middle of the garden. He put his arm around me and held on like he was afraid of losing me. "What was that about?" His voice was quiet. "It's nothing important. I just got inside of my head." I tried to speak sincerely but I didn't think he was buying my lie. "What did she say?" He was convinced there was something more. "Nothing important." My heart began to ache as his words started to get to me. "(Y/N) Please... Tell me." My heart crumbled as tears began to flow freely from my eyes. "I don't know what to tell you." I stood up to leave but before I could protest he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug. I tried to push my way out of it but I knew he wasn't going to let me go and eventually gave up. I hugged back and his grip relaxed. He walked me back to my room and sat on my bed with me. "You don't have to say anything." he spoke as he picked up the book he had been reading earlier. He opened it reading aloud while I forced myself to stop crying.

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