Fact number 3

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Song for this chapter is "FLOWER ROAD" by BIGBANG

Hyungwon's POV

As i layed here, staring up at the night, dark blue sky. Stars shining and smiling down on me, i began to wonder what it must feel like to live on another planet.

Me being a English teacher while thinking about astrology is definitely weird combination, but hey, that is what attracted me to Mina. She loves space and if her family had the money to send her to school, she'd probably be sitting at a desk within the same room as Stephen Hawking. Rip.

Of course I wasn't here alone. I mean, i could be, but i wasnt.

Wonho was beside me, laying on his back, staring up at the sky as we silently took in the night. Our hands were intertwined and a blanket was over us, it was perfect. It was the ideal date I would have prepared for my love interest, if i wasn't giving him enough attention.

Just laying here quietly beside him was enough, I don't think he realize how much his presence means to me. I know i've been acting a little immature lately, but if he really knew the reason why I am so cautious of our relationship he would understand. But I can't reveal such a deep thought to him just yet, not until i can fully trust him as a partner should.

The truth is, I like Wonho a whole lot. But that's no secret. I believe that he can make me happy, hell, he already does. He's smart and way different then most guys I've ever associated with, he's crazy and never awkard, and his smile alone can make my day ten times better. Is this what love actually feels like?

Yeah, I loved Kihyun. But that was in high school, when I was just a child, who possibly didn't even love anyone. But with Wonho, it feels totally different and I like the way he makes me feel.

It's difficult for me, for me to just let anyone back into my heart after what I've been through. To allow myself to trust anyone every again, but it may not be hard with Wonho.

"You've been quite," he whispers next to me and my stomach starts to form butterflies. I didn't take my eye's off the sky as I replied to him, "Im enjoying the view."

"But the view is right next to you," he points out jokingly and I squeal inside. He wasn't wrong, Wonho was a view, the definition of a view and I was just his observer. But I had no problem with that of course.

"I'd like to take a photo with you," he says as he sits up to reach into his bag that he brought that had snack and among other things inside it, we ate earlier and to be honest, when he cooks for me, it makes me feel so important. I didn't say anything as I sat as well to join him inside the frame, ready to take a picture with him.


"Ahh, perfect," Wonho says after he examined the photo. I didn't bother looking at it to see if I looked good like I would usually do, so I just stayed sitting up while looking back to the sky.

"You are so handsome, you know that right?" Wonho says randomly as he stands up and I look to him confused, wondering where he was going. But he just ended up placing himself behind me where I could lay back against his chest. He was very warm, but I could still tell that he was slightly cold, so I picked up the blanket and handed it to him.


"Its for you, you are cold," I tell him and he smiles at me.

"But then you'll get cold." He states and I cross my legs to say, "The blanket is big enough to wrap us." He nods and does what I just said, wrapping us up inside the huge fluffy blanket.

"Every ten minuets we have to say a fact about each other, something that the other person doesn't already know," he says and I don't so say anything as my eyes stayed glued up above.

"Fact number one. My mother made this blanket," he tells me and I smile to myself.

Some people would feel very uncomfortable when someone would talk about their deceased family member, but I enjoy it when Wonho talks about his mum. I would have loved to her as she would love me, the things that my boyfriend does tell me about her, makes me realize how special the women was. She was already special when she gave birth to the gorgeous man behind me.

"I lived in Germany for three months." I say as a fact of myself.

"Really? When?"

"When I was in grade six, my mom wanted to live there because of the flowers, she was florist." I tell him and he doesn't comment as he asks another question, "why did you move back?"

"My dad, didn't like it there. He was in trouble a whole lot and we had to leave." I tell him and he stays silent. Until I break it, "tell me about your mum."

"I've already told you about her," he says with a chuckle and I just smile as i reply, "Yeah, but you say something new every time you talk about her."

"Well, my mom was a handful, no lie. She stayed busy, whether it was her own work or simply helping a neighbor. My mother didn't like watching television or coffee, she would rather drink water or tea. She didn't like the fact I was gay at first, not because she was homosexual. But because, shoot, fact number two. Something I never told anyone, not that i was ashamed, because I didn't think it wasn't important for people to know. Anyways, my dad left us. I told you that before." he pauses to take a deep breath and whatever he wanted to tell me was serious, so I grab his hands that were wrapped around my chest to intertwine our hands.

"My dad wasn't the best, but he did all he could. So when my mom found out that i was gay, she cried, because she thought that I was going to leave her like my dad did. Because my dad left us for another man. He left us for another man Hyungwon, then I was pissed. I despised him, how could he switch from a beautiful women whom he had a child with, for a person that had a penis. I fully regret the words I told him that day and I wish I could contact him today, to let him know that I am sorry and that I totally understand why he left. Because in my opinion, it feels so much better to be with someone the same sex as you. Not for the physical, but the mental."

I kept quite, not sure if he was going to continue or not and the fact he revealed something so deep, and meaningful made me appreciate him even more.

"Wonho, Im sure that if you called him and talked to him, everything would be fine. He's your dad and I have no doubt that he thinks about you everyday."

"You are amazing you know that?" He tells me before kissing the top of my head, I blush and lean more into him. "Im only amazing when im with you," i tell him.

"Wrong, you were amazing before meeting me."

His way with words made me feel tingly, every time he said something that I thought was poetic made me fall even harder.

"You know how you were talking about the stars earlier today and how you wanted to see them at night on a full moon?" He asks and I nod not sure where this was going, "were you surprised when I brought you here?"

"Honestly, yeah."

"And did you know i had a star?" He tells me and I arch my head up to look at him confused.

"Fact number three. You are my star."

I loved this chapter wayy too much and i really hope you did too.


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