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Chapter song: Take it all back 2.O by Judah & the Lion

Hyungwon's POV

Wonho has been distancing himself lately and again, his excuse is that it is work stuff. He won't even tell me what kind of work stuff it is, literally every time i ask he tells me its confidential. What the hell? He took me to work with him, what is it that is such a secret. I was thinking of calling Namjoon, but we weren't that close and I feel that it would be so weird for me.

Wonho was like a King, he ruled his business and like a King, he's busy. I was his queen, a queen who's hopes were about to let go down the drain. 

Sure enough my students must be worried about me because I haven't taught in two days, we've just been sitting here reading Romeo and Juliet and the only person who was actually enjoy the assignment was Marie, Wonho's sister. Which doesn't surprise me because she is a bright kid and quickly became the top of the class. She's ready to answer anything and always turns in work a day early, which i like very much. She realizes my mood and probably the only one who actually knows what is going on. 

So I asked her if her brother was really busy with work and she said he was, maybe I need to trust him, maybe I need to just put my concerns to the side and believe in our relationship, which I already know is a difficult task for me. 

Wonho and I were total opposites. And what Jooheon said last week at the party has left me dry. Like, my brain has been running around, thinking of random shit. Wondering how in the hell could Wonho be with someone like me.

I've fallen too hard for you Wonho and I don't know what to do, so keep for a long time. 

It has bothered me all my life that I have not been able to blend like everyone else, like the a paintbrush who's ferrule has been broken off with every stroke.

"Hyungwon!" A familar voice say knocking me out of my senses, I look over to the door which was the entrance to my class room and smile at my friend. " I've been trying to call you for the past two hours, its late and Im tired." 

I look over at my clock on my desk at see it read 8:41 pm, damn, it really is late. I log off my computer and stand up to collect my things, "Im sorry Mina, Ive been busy lately."

"What, your brain?  You haven't been yourself lately." She points out and I sigh as I approach her, walking out of my room beside her. "Im sorry, I've been distracted." I tell her and she nods understanding, because Mina knows me best. She can like read my mind or some shit, she knows what I want before I myself know. Im glad we are best friends. 

You probably think thats weird, to be friends with your ex. The one who turned you gay, the one you went limp with. 

Honestly, it doesn't bother me or Mina. If Mina wasnt the open minded person she is, then our friendship would have another meaning. Im just glad that I have someone like her, she's my angel. Despite her dirty mind and her awful intentions. 

"Wonho messaged me." She says and I stop walking to look at her, "He messaged you?" I ask and she nods. "Why?" She shrugs at my question, "He asked where you were because he's been trying to get a hold of you." I groan and rub a hand down my face, "my phone is dead thats why."

"Well wanna use mine to call him?" She asks as she reaches int her back pocket, I shake my head no and tell her that I would call him when I arrived home. 

"Do you want me too cook for you?" She asks as we began to walk again, heading to her car. "Can you cook?" I ask with a grin and she glares at me before saying, "Im trying to be nice you ass and yes i can cook. Mac and cheese." I chuckle at her and get in the vehicle. 

"Okay, I could eat some of that. Where is Bambam, dont you need to feed him too?" I ask and she giggles as she starts her car, "he's probably getting fed right now."

"Where is he?"

"He's at Yugyeoms, with Marie and Jungkook." She replies and I look at her weird, "do they even have money for take out?" I ask and she begins to laugh again while pulling out of the schools parking lot. "They all are being fed, but not what you are thinking of." I raise an eyebrow at her confused. "You know what I mean," she says with a smirk and once I realized i begin to gag. 

"What the fuck is wrong with your brain, they are not going down on each other!" 

"How do you know?" she says and I roll my eyes, "Because they are children and plus, Marie isn't that kind of girl, she'll probably bitch slap Bambam if he tries anything." 

"I hope she does, he's too old for me to whoop so, someone else needs to. Preferably Marie."

"Mina?" I ask, turning the atmosphere serious. "Hmm?" she hums and i sigh before speaking. 

"Do you think there's something wrong with me? Like something that is making Wonho distance himself from me?" I ask and she glances to me to give me and soft look. "There's nothing wrong with you Hyungwon, Kihyun has ripped you away from yourself. Bits by Bits. You have trust issues and don't let people as easy as you use to anymore and you are self conscious. You never were like this and I were Wonho, if he actually knew the whole reason why you two broke up, id beat the shit out of his scrawny ass. And that Jooheon guy? Who the hell gave him the right to talk down on you, serious babe, you should have stayed and watch Wonho give him two black eyes. It took Jinyoun, Jaebum and many more to rip both of them off each other."

I didn't say anything for a while as i processed everything she had said. 

To be honest I never really just sat and thought about my past relationship with Kihyun. I thought it was beautiful but I guess others think differently, and maybe the reason why I cant fully open up to Wonho is because Im holding on. To something I don't even want. Why would anyone want to hold to something that made them feel like shit?

"Thats why I dont want him to ever know too," I say as we neared my. "He deserves to know though, for someone to like you this much Hyungwon, means something."

"What has he done to prove that he likes me?" I ask as we pulled up to my house and as we do so, I spot Wonho's car parked outside. I look around to see if I could see him and there he was, sitting on my steps with roses and a box. 

"He's done that. He's made you smile," Mina says and thats when I realize that I was smiling, big and hard that my face began to hurt. But it was worth it and she was right, he does make me smile. Even when I don't want to. 

Here's another update, what do you think? What is your favorite MonstaX mv? Mine is Hero.


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