one night; chapter six.

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this song will be the mood for this story


"So, what was so important?" Jorgie asked her as she got in the car.

"There's this guy that offered me hella money, just to sleep with him." She explained slowly. Jorgie's mouth went wide open.

"How much?!"

"I dunno, but it's more than I could make in a week of stripping." She giggled.

"Oh my freaking god. Wow. You're deadass doing this?" She lightly banged on her steering wheel with every word.

"I never thought I could do something like this myself, but I kind of trust him, he told he he'd provide me with anything I needed to protect myself in case he tried something."

"Wow sis, you've changed so much over the course of hours." She said astonished. "How much did you make?" She waved towards the duffel bag that was in the back seat.

"I don't even know, like 5 thousand on the pole and like 1 thousand giving lap dances"

"6 thousand?! On your first night?! The crowd must've loved you." She shrugged.

"I need you to drop me off at the McDonald's on 69, we're meeting there." Este checked the time on her phone.

"Can I meet this guy?" She said as she started the car.

"When you drop me off, now come on." She demanded.

"Alright, missy, damn." Jorgie drove out of the alley and went onto the main road. They proceeded going to McDonalds while playfully bantering eachother. They arrived and Jorgie parked in the parking spot nearest to the exit. "Do you have his number?"


"Do you know how old he is?"


"Do you know his last name?"


"What do you know about him?"

"That his name is Justin and he's rich." She chuckled.

"Do you even know if he's clean? He could have a damn STD or aids, or whatever the hell." She paused and sighed, "I know I do a lot of stupid, bold, and crazy shit, but going home with someone? Este, you would never."

"You were just so supportive of me doing this, now you want me not to?"

"I was surprised, not supportive."

She rolled her eyes, "Tonight, I just feel different, I'll probably change my mind before we get to his place. Either way, this is MY life, let me live it. I used to be so afraid to break the rules, to do something different. It just stripped on a damn pole, in front of a hundred people. I gave guys LAP DANCES, I used to be PETRIFIED to even talk to my male teachers. Like I said, let. me. live."

"Whatever." Jorgie said as she looked out the window. There were moments of silence until a white cadillac escalade pulled in front the entrance. "Could that be him?" Jorgie spoke up. It circled around the restaurant twice until it pulled up two parking  spots beside them.

The car door opened, revealing Justin. His eyes wandered around as he looked for her.

"That's him." Estefania looked over at Jorgie, "I'll see you tomorrow." She started.

"I'll take your money and put it in my safe room." She told her.

"Thanks, bubba, I love you. I'll be safe, I promise." She said as she opened the door, exiting out.

Justin smiled at Estefania and walked her to the passenger's side, opening the door for her. Once she was in, he ran to the drivers side and opened his door. He turned around and waved at Jorgie. Jorgie bit her bottom lip, not seductively, and waved back. Justin's car door shut and after 2 minutes, they pulled out.

It's her life, Jorgie reminded herself and started her car back up.


He opened the door for me and I smiled as I stepped in. Everything will be okay, he seems trustworthy, live a little.

Live a little.

"You okay?" He asked as he jerked his shift stick to drive.

"Fantastic." I smiled at him.

"Let's ride." He smirked, putting his hand on my thigh. He pulled off, out of the parking lot.

The ride to his place was filled with smirks, winks, giggles, chuckles, and smiles. We were acting like honeymooners. "You are so dangerous, Cheyenne." He said with a smirk as he pulled onto a small road. Along the sides were big ass houses. "You live here?"

"One of my old houses." He said nonchalantly.

"'-S' as in multiple?!" I was astound.

"Yeah, baby."

"How did you become so successful?" I admired him.

"My father owns, well owned, CBS. He died last year, and I got everything." It grew silent.

"Sorry for your lost, Justin."

"Don't stress it. He wasn't in my life at all. The only reason I got all of the money is because my other brother is 8." He drove up into a driveway, and before you got all the way in, there was a closed gate. He pressed a button on the machine.

"Bieber Residence." A woman voice speak through the intercom.

"It's me." A loud beep was heard and the gates opened.

"You have a person waiting just to open your gates?" I semi-shouted. He chuckled at my tone and continued driving through.

"It's automated. It recognizes my voice, and there's a camera on it. If it's an unknown face or an unknown voice, it'll alert me, and I can determine if it'll open or not."

"That is so cool." We both unbuckled our seat belts. I stepped out first and waited for him to appear so I could follow him in the house.

He unlocked the door and let me step in. "Don't mind the mess, I need to call someone to clean."

"It's beautiful, Justin."

"Thank you, darling. Take some time, get comfortable, I need to go," he hesitated "freshen up."

"Sure." We walked opposite ways, him going upstairs and I went to find a bathroom. I surprisingly found it quickly. I washed my face and checked myself, still fresh and clean.

I exited the bathroom and went to the kitchen, grabbing a glass out of the cupboards and filling it with tap water, it was filtered. I turned around and went back into his foyer, there were pictures of him as a baby and a woman, I assumed it was his mother. Then another of a little girl and a baby boy.

I admired his photos that were hung up, more older ones than new. I crept into a living room and looked at more photos in frames. I smiled, they were such beautiful pictures.

I jumped as something cold clasped around my wrist.

"Stay still." I heard a low, raspy whisper in my ear.


i wanna start putting songs at the beginning of each chapter. some of em will set the mood of the story, others will be there just to be there.

next chapter WILL include smut, but it might not be great, i'm terrible at writing smut

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