one night; chapter twenty.

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trigger warning, abuse


The following weeks after Justin and Estefania' affair, Estefania began feeling sicknesses. She had first, believed it may have been something she ate. The realization of what it actually is, or could be, was something she didn't want to believe.

Dinner time had came along fast. Estefania made her way to her, now, usual table.

"Hey y'all." She waves. They all smiled and waved back. Estefania looked at her plate and actual smiled. Their meal was sloppy joe, an assorted of fruits in a small, plastic cup, and water.

She grabbed the sloppy joe and hungrily swallowed it down. Once she looked back, she saw the whole table looking at her with confused faces.

"Never seen someone so eager to eat a sloopy joe." Her british friend spoke.

Estefania shrugged and they all went back to their plates.

"Ain't tonight movie night?" Amber spoke up.

"Yes, love."

Amber turned to Estefania and said, "you mine comin' wit' me ta commissary ta get some headphones?"

"I'll come." She shrugged still looking at her plate.

Once dinner was over, Amber led Estefania to the commissary. They got in line behind four other people.

"Amber, I have something to confess." Amber turned towards her, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Is it bad?"

"I don't really know." Amber remained confused.

"I'm almost certain that I'm pregnant. My boyfriend paid the jail, I don't know how much, for a conjugal visit between us. I forgot if he pulled out or not, but I've been feeling very sickly since then." Amber's eyes widened.

"Are you sure it ain't tha shit we been eatin'? My stomach been hurtin' too." Amber explained.

"I'm positive." Estefania nodded.

Just behind them were two other women, both friends of Rosindale, they overheard their discussion.

One scoffed, but continued to listen. "Go tell the OG." The other nodded and ran off.

The woman made her presence known at Rosindale's cell by announcing herself. She didn't open the door.

Rosindale looked at her, then back at her hands. "What is it?"

"Your roommate is pregnant." Rosindale laughed.

"The fuck am I going to do with that?"

"I don't know, Jenn told me to tell you." Rosindale looked back up at her, and instructed her to bring Jenn back to the cell.

Valerie was hesitant in doing doing so. Only because Jenn was in line getting headphones for Rosindale. If they didn't fulfill that request, that would be an ass whopping in the future.

"Go!" Rosindale yelled, and Valerie ran off.

Rosindale had an actual plan that came to mind when Valerie told her the news. Something that would get Estefania in line quickly.


Baby Boy had been play my for thirty minutes already. Estefania was sitting with Amber and her "old lady gang."

"I'm so happy dey' picked dis' movie, this is a classic." Amber stated.

Estefania nodded in agreement. "I remember watching this when I was at my grandma's house."

Rosindale was three rows behind them, and the very back of the room. She had three more associates sitting at the end corners of the room. She had something planned for Estefania. She just needed to get her alone.

Fifteen minutes later, Estefania felt dryness in her mouth, and her stomach started aching. This was exactly how Estefania got when she had to throw up. She excused herself and rushed to the restroom.

Rosindale smiled and got up. Her three other minions got up as well, and they all followed steadily behind her.

Estefania went into a stall and blew chunks. Sge cleaned herself in the mirror, rinsing out her mouth, and washing her hands.

She desperately wanted to go back to her cell, but knew it wouldn't be allowed. The entire prison was on lockdown except for bathrooms.

Estefania put her hands on the door handle, but wasn't able to. It was locked. She tried harder to open it but was unsuccessful.

"Going somewhere?" she heard.

Estefania quickly turned around and saw Rosindale along with the other girls.

"Can you let me out, please?" Rosindale squinted her eyes at her.

"Why the fuck should I?"

"Why the fuck wouldn't you?!" Estefania yelled. Rosindale and her entourage snickered.

"Bold little bitch, huh?" Rosindale walked slowly towards her.

"I swear to god if you touch me-."

"Is that a threat?!" Rosindale asked, getting angry. "Get this bitch."

Estefania was dragged by her hair to the showers.

They turned the hot water on, and proceeded to beat her. Estefania was unable to scream, they covered her mouth. She was kicking and trying to fight back like hell, but they held her back.

One extended out Estefania arm. Rosindale took out a pocket knife and smirked. Estefania's eyes widened. She screamed through the hands and bit the person that was covering her mouth.

"I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant! Please stop!" She yelled and squirmed. She was drenched and water and had felt her eye started to swell. She had bruises already forming on her shoulder, scarps on her arms, and she felt the small bald patches in her hair.

"I don't give a fuck!" Rosindale roared and punched he'd in her stomach. Estefania gasped and stopped breathing for a quick second.

"Maybe we should stop." Valerie said.

"Hold her fucking arm before I cut you too!" Rosindale slapped her. Estefania was sobbing at this point, and squirming like crazy.

Estefania screamed as the first little cut went into her arm.

"Cover her fucking mouth!" Jenn did as told.

Rosindale carved an R into Estefania's arm. Estefania was shaking rapidly. It wasn't until she felt blood pouring out of her vagina, that she passed out.

i hope that wasn't too graphic omg, literally two more chapters until this book is over.

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