one night; chapter twelve.

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Bill applauded her and laughed, he reached out and wiped off the little bit of substance from under her nose.

Dakota shook his head and grabbed her arm, standing up. "We really have to go. Can we please just borrow your jumping cables, I'll bring 'em back tomorrow." He said. Estefania only now noticed his accent. He sounded like he was from Baltimore.

"Don't be so damn hasty. Wait here." He said getting up as well. He walked out of the room and into his garage.

"You did not have to do that. Didn't your mother ever tell you not to snort coke with strangers?!" He exclaimed.

"That was mad fun." She rolled her eyes. "My mother always told me to never talk to strangers, but here we are." Dakota sighed and guided her out the room.

They met Bill as they were walking out. "Nice seeing you again, man." He handed the cables to him.

"Yeah." He nodded towards him. Before they completely left out the door, Estefania spoke up to Bill.

"Who's your coke plug?" She asked. Dakota narrowed his eyes at her.

Bill laughed, pulling out a card. "I'm not supposed to give this out, but you seem pretty trustworthy. Here. His name is Tommie."

"Thanks." She said grabbing it from him with a smile. Dakota snatched her arm again and pulled her to his car.

"Stop fucking grabbing me. I don't even know you!" She said once he buckled her in.

He stopped in his tracks, "you knew me enough to get into this damn car with me." He shook his head.

Dakota didn't mean any actual harm when he picked her up. He was only trying to make conversation and be helpful.

"Whatever, take me back to my car."

The drive back to the club was very awkward, but fast. He was doing 80 in a 60.

He jumped her car when they got there and they parted ways. "I'm sorry for dragging you into that." He said finally, then drove off.

Estefania paid him no attention. She rolled up her window and pulled out behind him.

In her lap was the card that Bill had given her. She felt the blood pumping her veins. She wanted to do one more line.

She would've went back to his house if she remembered where it was.

On the car were directions to a warehouse. She put the location into her phone and the GPS picked it up.

As soon as she got there, she called the number on the card. "Hi, is Tommie there?" She asked the man who answered.

"This is Tommie, who is this?"

"I'm a friend of Bill. He gave me your number for a plug. I'm outside." She simply said.

"Oh, are you? Come to the garage door." He said hanging up.

She hurried and opened the door. She was anxious to snort again so she could actually feel the high.

Tommie walked out with a gun behind his back and his phone in the other, he had Bill on facetime.

"You know this bitch, Bill?" He asked him.

"Bitch?!" She said sort of gasped.

"That's the girl I gave your card. She's not the feds." He said dismissing him.

"Oh okay." Tommie seemed to ease up after that. He put the gun he was carrying in his pants, behind him.

"How much for a dime bag?" She asked him.

"Twenty bucks." Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Twenty?!" She repeated.

"Yeah, take it or leave it." She roll her eyes, and opened her fanny pack. She pulled the money out and he snatched it from her. He huffed back to the garage.

"Fucking asshole." She muttered.

Five minutes later, he returned with a small box that looked like a wedding ring could fit in it. He faked a smile and pitched his voice. "Come back again soon!"

She flipped him off and got into her car. She put her finger in the bag and snorted the substance in her finger.

"Fuck!" She hit her steering wheel because of the slight burn.


7 missed calls from Justin. 3 missed calls from Jorgie. 10 missed calls from her mother. 4 missed calls from her dad.

Estefania was currently high out of her mind. She had driven off to a hotel and ordered a room for her to stay, unbothered.

An hour later, she had sobered up and planned to get high again, but she was out.

She checked her phone and rolled her eyes. "This shit again?" She said, but only to herself. She sighed and turned her phone completely off. She turned the TV on for background noise and then drifted to sleep.


About five hours into her slumber she heard loud bangs at her door.

"Oh my fucking god." She huffed. She didn't bother looking out the peep hole because she knew it was either Justin or Jorgie.

As she as she opened it, she was pushed back and a dog into the room, he was leashed.

It was a K9 and the owner was a white policeman. The dog immediately went to Estefania's purse and it found Estefania's stash.

The man narrowed his eyes at her and shoved her towards the bed. He pinned her down and tugged her arms behind her back.

"What the hell! Let me go!"

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?" She kept her mouth shut and shook her head.

People started crowded the hallways to see what was happening.

He escorted her out of the hotel and into her car.

"Watch your head." He warned her. She glanced out the window and saw Dakota staring back at her.

not edited.

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