one night; chapter sixteen.

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"Now if we're gonna do this right, we need brush up on a few things. When the judge acknowledges you, you respond with your answer, and follow up with Your Honor." Michael, her lawyer, told her.

It was time for Estefania to see the judge for her sentencing. She was a little nervous, but only because of the fact that she was actually going to have to go to prison, not how long she'd go for.

Michael continued to babble about etiquette and her appearance. She zoned him out until he finished.

"Just remember those things, let's go."


"All rise for the honorably, Judge Halt." Everyone in the courtroom stood in unison as the lady walked in. Estefania had already been escorted into the room.

The woman was black, and she mentally clapped. Maybe she'll be easier to persuade.

"This calls for the case of Estefania Preciado, you may be seated." The judge said. Everyone sat except for Estefania and her lawyer.

"Your honor" Michael began, "my client is not as bad as she seems. She's had a rough few months transitioning from college to adulthood. She's had to struggle finically a couple of times, and the stress can be overwhelming. The charges against Estefania for the use and possession of cocaine should be dropped." Estefania looked back into the audience and saw Justin, Jorgie, her mother, and a few other family members. She smiled at them, thankful for them being present.

"Any previous criminal records?" She lifted an eyebrow.

"No, your honor." He said as he shook his hand. The judge looked at Estefania for a minute then back at Micheal.

"Charges against Estefania Preciado for the possession and use of cocaine are dismissed." She hit her gavel. Sighs of relief rushed through the courtroom. "But" she started against, "for missing your scheduled court date, you will have to serve two years."

"Your honor, if I may." He paused to wait for her response.

"You may." She nodded

"My client had some difficulties, she's a little unstable considering some conditions. She grew up a little rough and in return suffered deep depression and anxiety. She needed a break for her mental health and tried to return back to America in time. The idea to call the police and turn herself in did not come into her mind until the next day." Justin furrowed his eyebrows. Her mom almost spoke up in defense until Jorgie stopped her.

"She needs to get off, this will help." She carefully whispered.

"It shows her character seeing how she's the one who called the police and thought the right thing to do was to turn herself in." Micheal nodded as he finished.

The judge eyed Estefania once again. Her expression was very solemn and low. Micheal told her to keep her face like that for empathy, he knew the judge personally and knew of her struggles in her younger age.

"I see." She finally said. "The initial time for missing a court date is two years, but considering the circumstances," she paused "Estefania Preciado, for missing your scheduled courtdate, you are hereby sentenced to six months in federal prison. Case dismissed." She hit her gavel. Estefania's eyes went wide. She didn't think they'd drop this low.

Police officers surrounded her and cuffed her arms back up. She looked back at her family and smiled. "I'll be back." She mouthed.

"Next case!" She heard the judge yell.

The guards had taken her to a cell filled with at least 15 other girls. There was an assortment of them, about 6 white girls, 3 younger, 3 older. 5 younger black girls, two young asians, and two older hispanics.

"Stay put. There's only one girl left." The men sat her down, then walked off.

She looked up to see thirty eyes staring at her. She looked back down almost immediately.

"How long you got?" The brown skinned girl beside her nudged her.

"Um, six months." A couple of girls laughed at her. Estefania kept her eyes dwon.

"Well, I'm Amber, ignore 'nem bitches. They salty-ah-shit cuz they ain't gone see they kids." She announced. Some of them mugged her, one stayed quiet, and another rolled her eyes.

"I'm Estefania." She said smiling, looking back up. "What'd you do?" She grew up the courage to speak.

"Robbery-anna-strap. I'm doing fifteen. How 'bout you." She curiously asked.

"First, I was arrested for possession and use of cocaine, but those charges got dropped. I ended up not making the court date in time. I was supposed to get like 1-2 years, but my lawyer dropped it down." Amber nodded her head.

"Imma hafta use him next time."

"My boyfriend got him for me." She smiled at the thought of him.

"He like yo sugar daddy or sumn?" She asked.

"Something like that, but younger." She laughed. Amber looked back in front of her. The whole cell was silent except for occasional loud breaths and maybe some finger taps.

Minutes later, four guards entered the room. One was holding another girl, another began opening the cell, and the other two stood behind them.

"It's time to go." The one who opened the cell said.

They all stood, and waited for the next orders.

"Make a straight line and walk out." We made a somewhat straight line and began out of the door. Amber was in the front and I was right behind her.

There were two guards in the front and the back of the line. The guards in the front lead us to a gray school-like bus with the words Achorville Correctional Facility on the side.

They began filling in the seats as they pleased. One officer stayed on the bus as the other three left.

"Alright!" The lady said. "I'm calling roll pay attention!" She yelled."Anderson," she began. A loud "here!" was heard coming from the back. She proceeded with calling names in alphabetical order receiving orderly heres back.

Once the lady called her last name she zoned everything out. Estefania had taken a seat next to Amber.

The lady had stepped off the bus. On the outside she hit the bus, indicating that it was time for them to go.

The bus had started. There were a few bumps as they exited the backyard of the building.

Three very long hours later, the bus pulled up at what everyone assumed was the jail. Minutes later, a lady hopped on the bus. She was wearing a police uniform. She was a tall, busty, white woman.

"Welcome To Achorville, ladies." She announced.

not edited.

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