We're faking it (The Camren Shippers Strike Back)

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Lauren's POV

"I remember vividly when I first met Camz. I had just finished singing ain't got you by Alicia keys. When we saw each other back stage, we instantly became friends. She first waved at me and I waved back. She approached me and told me she liked my shirt. I laughed at her awkwardness and we became friends just like that." I said to clever tv.

"Wow, what about you Camila? What's your side of the story?" The interviewer asked.

"Well, I was backstage waiting patiently and nervously for my turn to audition when I heard her voice. I turned around and there she was singing for her audition. She sang really well. Not like I had expected. When I first saw her I was like "Nah, she's no competition. Then good lord after I heard her sing and finish I was like Dang it she can sing. Then she turned around and started walking towards the back stage, where I stood and then I thought Dang it she's pretty too! Then I approached her and made an awkward comment and we became best friends just like that." Camila smiled.

The interviewer looked at her phone. "Incoming question, Lauren can you please tell us what Camila means to you in your own words?"

I sighed "Where do I start?" I said tapping my chin with my index finger.

"Camila... she's my soulmate. I'm 100% sure about it. We compliment each other perfectly. We are meant to be. I just can't imagine my life without her." I said coming from my heart.

Camila smiled with that goofy toothless grin that she has that always makes me smile.

The interviewer then asked " What about you Camila?"

"Well what can I say? She said it." She smiled back at me.

"Ahh the Camren feels." the interviewer commented.

I reached out to hug her into an embrace that I wish could last forever. She was my best friend, a sister, my partner in crime and I'm really glad we've became this close in as little than a year. We broke out of our hug when the interviewer flashed that question. The question that ALWAYS gets asked no matter how much we answer it with the same answer of no.

" So, your fans really want to know about Camren. Is it real?" She asked holding the microphone between us.

The girls just stared at Camila and I waiting for our responses.

I sighed and as I was about to answer, Camila beat me to it.

"No. Were just best friends... buddies." She said punching my arm lightly.

I nodded in response.

The interviewer nodded then took the attention off us. " So Ally..."

The rest of the interview went smoothly and ended with a quick performance of our new single Me and my Girls.

When we got to the hotel after the interview, there at our (Camila and My) room door was Simon Cowl. I looked at Camila with a confused expression on my face. She shrugged her shoulders, meaning that we both had no idea why the heck he was here.

After an awkward silence, he broke it. " Ok, so I'm gonna cut right to the chase because I have somewhere to be in 30 minutes."

He opened our room door and motioned his hand for us to come in.

We went in and sat down on my bed while Simon on Camila's. He got up quickly right after he took his seat. "What the?" He lifted a plush unicorn and lifted his brow. " Aaa...just a unicorn." He chucked. Then tossed it off the side.

Camila and I both tried to keep in our laughter. I bit my bottom lip while she hid her face in my neck chuckling and battling to keep back her infectious laugh.

We're faking it (A Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now