Age 17, 1407 El Matator Beach

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Camila's POV

I woke up the next morning at 7 a.m. I woke the girls then jumped in the shower. After I had finished getting ready we are breakfast and drove over to the hospital.

We and Lauren's family (who had shown up shortly after we did) sat by Lauren's side for the remainder of the day and continued the routine the day after that and the day after that and the day after that. It's been five days since Lauren has been in a coma. On the fifth day, I brought Lauren flowers and a big teddy that had " I love you! So get better soon❤️" written on it's tummy.The girls and her family brought other gifts such as balloons, picture frames, and the things she loved. Chris brought in a softball signed by her favorite player. Taylor brought a Lana de la Rey pillow that she owned from home. Her mother and father brought many family photos including one of our own. The picture of me and Lauren had been the one that we had sent our parents after our first date. I looked at the picture and revisited the memory. In the picture Lauren and I had our foreheads pressed against each other's, staring deeply into each other's eyes. One of the most perfect moments that I had ever experienced with her. I smiled holding the picture frame in my hands, then it hit me. The reason why her family had brought in her favorite things and pictures were to remind her of who she was, and the precious memories she had experienced throughout her life. All in case of the worst. That chance that haunted us since the day we found out, the loss of memory, herself, and her emotions. It all made sense. All I had brought her were a big bear and flowers. She doesn't eve like flowers. I smiled remembering of the time she told me. I looked at mani remembering that she had to go back home to get her charger that she had forgotten. I took out a piece of paper from my bag and a pen. I wrote down a few things I wanted her to bring back. I walked over to mani, letting go of my love's hand. I handed the paper to her. She gracefully accepted it.

"What's this?" she asked.

"It's a list of things I need you to bring from back home. I want them here just in case you know." I said avoiding eye contact.

"Alright. No worries Mila, I got it." Mani said putting her hand on my shoulder reassuringly. " I'll be back in a jiffy, please call me if something happens."

I nodded and with that Mani made her way out of the room. I sat back to Lauren's side and held her hand again. I rubbed her hand with the pad of my thumb then I bent over to give her a chaste kiss. Something I haven't done in a while. The nurse had previously told us that physical contact was limited. And well since she had a cut on her lip, so I couldn't risk anything before. But today the cut was closed and healing. And that was enough for me. I had been craving the touch of her lips for too long. I pulled away realizing I had been kissing her for a while now. I was a little embarrassed that I had done it in front of her family. I cleared my throat and sat down by her side. There was a awkward silence. Then suddenly, we heard a mumble. We all turned at Lauren hoping she was the source. She began to scrunch her eyes and nose. She then mumbled "Mmm." and turned her head slowly facing me. She opened her eyes slowly, regaining her vision. She slightly moved her arm and winced in pain. "Ahh." she managed I say.

"Lauren?" I asked hoping she would respond.

"Yeah?" She responded.

Everyone exhaled in relaxation.

"Go get a doctor." Mike told the girls. They did what he said.

Her mother ran to her side. "Honey?"

Lauren exhaled deeply. "Yeah?"

"Do you know who we are?" Clara asked.

"Yeah, mom why wouldn't I?" Lauren asked confused feeling her head. She winced in pain when she felt against a bruise.

Her mother exhaled. "Thank god." Lauren gave her a confused expression and realized I was holding her hand.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Don't you remeber?" Her mom asked her. She shook her head in response. "You were jumped Lauren, you and Camila had been on the beach when four men approached you and hurt you." Mike said coming to Lauren's side.

Lauren instantly turned to face me in concern . "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah Lauren, thanks to you."

"What did I do? Why don't I remember?" Lauren asked as her grip on my hand tightened.

"Honey, the doctor said that your suffering from a cerebral contusion, and that you might experience some memory loss. I think that's what's going on. But you seem to remember everything else other than the incident."

Lauren furrowed her brows. The doctor barged into the door shortly after with two nurses beside him.
"Could you all step back?" The doctor politely asked. We did what he said, but Lauren hung onto me. It's okay. I mouthed. She let go of me and I balked away.

"Hi honey, I'm Doctor Volk. You were admitted to the hospital five days ago and have been treated by me and my health care professionals since. Were going to ask you a series of questions and we want you to answer them as best as you can. Is that okay?" Dr.Volk asked.

Lauren nodded.

"What is your full name?"

"Lauren Michelle Jauregui Morgado."

"Good, How old are you?"

"16? No. 17."

"When's your birthday?"

"June 27, 1996."

"Can you name your family?"

"Mike, Clara, Taylor and Chris."

"Your friends?"

"Camila, Dinah, Ally and Normani."

"What do you like to do?"

"I love to sing and preform."

He looked over for the things her family brought.

"Who's your favorite singer?"

"Lana de la Rey."

"What's tour favorite sport?"


"Good, now do you remember what happened?"


"No memories flashback anything at all?"


"What's the last thing you remember?"

Lauren was deep in thought and we all held our breaths hoping she would answer something that a happened recently.

"Hmm, the last place I remember being in, was the x factor. We got eliminated, but luckily Simon still signed us after."

"Thats the last thing you remember?" I but in.

"Yeah? Am I wrong? Did something else happen?"

My heart sank. Lauren... doesn't remember what had recently happened between us! The love she had for me and the love I had for her back was gone in her world....No. No. No.

My eyes began to fill up with tears. "Lauren who am I to you?"

Lauren smiled. "Your my best friend Camz."

We're faking it (A Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now