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Camila's POV

A few days later, I checked my twitter for the first time in about a week. My phone service sucked in this hotel but I had a great reception outside of it. I was sitting on the park bench, the one right next to our building. My phone started buzzing like a bajillion times. I looked at my news feed. All #camren stuff with Lauren and I tagged in each and every one of the posts. I smiled at some of them; mostly the pictures we took before the kiss. It made me happy seeing them, remembering the old times, before camren. I'm going to be honest, the feelings I started to develop after our kiss..I've done everything in my power this week to try to forget them. And it seemed to be working. I did this for three reasons: 1 I can't be gay, I just can't imagine myself with another girl. 2 I'm in a happy relationship with a super cute boy. 3 She's my best friend and I can't fall for her. It's wrong.

My phone buzzed once more after all the other ones. I looked at it curious of what it was. It was Austin's post that I had commented on last week, he wrote: I turned out liking you more than I originally planned.

Me: There's nothing like you and I and you know it.

There was...
A new comment from Lauren?

Lauren: Life is funny.

What the heck does that mean?


I looked up to meet Lauren and Luis hand in hand standing in front of me. I felt a knot form in my chest as if I was disgusted.

"Yeah?" I asked.

" Two hours till Ellen and the studio after. You should get start getting ready." She simply said before walking away.

I watched them walk away from me to the building. Then Lauren put her hands on his cheeks and crashed their lips together. At first Luis was surprised by Lauren's sudden action. But then calmed into the kiss and put his arms around her waist. Lauren began to deepen the kiss. I prefer not to go into detail. But after she pulled away from it. She turned to glance at me. I felt my face turn red and I looked away almost immediately. I got up and walked into the building trying to hide my face as much as possible. I did this by hanging my head low, pretending to text. I made my way to our room. Then changed into a cute white lace top, a black poky dot skirt and black closed toe strapped heals. I then curled my hair into loose curls and applied a black bow. Lastly I added minimal make up, mascara, eyeliner and pink lipstick. I sighed as I watched Lauren walk into the room. I couldn't help but feel angry? I don't understand why though. But I ignored the feeling. Lauren began to change and it started to make me feel nervous. She pulled up her shirt midway. "Oh my god." I said under my breath.

Lauren turned and furrowed her brows "What?"

Shit she heard me. I felt my cheeks turn red. I shook my head "Nothing, um.. err meet you down stairs."

She smirked. My face turned redder. That was my queue to storm out of the room. I speed walked downstairs almost falling in the process. The girls laughed at me from the couch. I glared at them.

"Ahh, Clusmy Camila..." Ally said.

"Here take a seat before you hurt yourself." Dinah joked patting the seat next to her.

I crossed my arms and pouted as I walked over to the seat.

"Wait let me double check it, don't want you falling into the seat now little one." Dinah joked again feeling the seat making sure it was safe for me.

I gave her a death glare and moved her hand from the seat. Then sat down. "I hate you guys."

"Aww, We love you too Mila." Normani said.

I rolled my eyes.

Then everyone turned their attention to the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Lauren. My mouth dropped at the sight of this angel. She had her curled hair hanging from the right side where she had pinned it. She wore minimal make up, mascara,eyeliner and red lipstick. Lastly she wore a short red lace dress that covered her from collarbone/shoulders to her mid-thigh and hugged her body perfectly. Her look was finished off by black closed toed heels.

"You guys ready?" Lauren asked with a smirk on her face.

We're faking it (A Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now