The Misunderstanding

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Lauren's POV

Our first date was a success and so were the ones following it. but hey you have to admit it, I'm good. But I'm not stopping yet. We have another date tonight, but a simple one. I didn't have time to plan this one. Not that I would every date. But I'd do my best to make it as special as I can. I wanted tonight to be simple. Not because I'm too lazy to plan something totally awesome, but because I feel that the simple moments need to count too. Often they are more memorable than anything else. I know it's totally cliche to say but It's the simple moments that matter, and that's why I wanted tonight to be simple.

Camila's POV

I felt someone cup my face and kiss me. Slowly and passionately. This girl can not literately stop my growing affection for her. I'm starting to fall hard. For her eyes, her lips, her voice her perfection, but more importantly for who she is.

I fluttered my eyes open.

"Mmmm" I said into the kiss. I felt her grin. She pulled away.

"Morning." She smiled.

I yawned "Good morning babe."

"Babe? I love how that sounds coming from your lips." Lauren said touching my lips.

I wrapped my arms around her. I nuzzled my nose into her neck. She smelled so good.

She began to chuckle.
"Are you smelling me?" She asked cocking her brow.

I pulled away from her neck and rested my head on her chest. "Psh no, what the hell...I'm not a creep."


I pouted "I'm serious!"

Lauren looked at me and gave me an emotionless expression. She then laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because... you do know I can read your emotions and behavior right?"

I avoided her eye contact and fiddled with my fingers.

"I can tell the second your feeling nervous, scared, happy, sad, but more importantly I can tell when your lying." She said starting to play with my fingers.

I grunted. "Fine Jauregui, yes I was smelling you. And you know what? You smell pretty damn good."

She winked. "That's what I thought."

I pouted. " I hate you."

She lightly chuckled. "No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't."

I crossed my arms and tried to keep a straight face.

"Playing games Camz? I can play too." Lauren said.

I didn't say anything and pretended to be mad at her. Suddenly she turned me over. She was straddling me and pinning my down by my wrists. She lowered her head to my neck. I felt her breath on it....then it hit me, she wasn't breathing on me. She was smelling me.

"You smell pretty damn good too." Lauren breathed on my neck.I felt tingles run up my body with each breath she took.

"If you hate me...resist kissing me." She challenged.

Oh hell no.

I felt chills run up my spine, with her lips pressed against my neck. Her heart against my chest. Beating against mine furiously fighting against each other in a beating contest. I felt...I felt..a BITE?

What the hell is she a vampire now?

She started to suck on my neck.
It began to feel pleasurable. Shit.

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