The Effects of a Thunder Storm

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Camila's POV


I woke up and heard the constant sounds of the roaring thunder that haunted me throughout the night. I hugged onto Lauren's waist tighter as I tried to calm myself down. But it didn't work.


I started to shake uncontrollably and my eyes filled up with tears. I felt Lauren turn around to face me.

"Camz... hey hey calm down." She said embracing her arms around me.

She pulled me close into her body. And in response I dug my face into her neck. I couldn't hold back the tears at this point and I didn't care if Lauren saw me cry. I couldn't control it, not even if I tried. I don't know what it is about thunder storms but they always scared the crap out of me. It reminded me of sadness, death and pain. And that's what I felt during them. I didn't feel much for the setting but for peoples lives that have been hurt today. Today, someone died and people are hurting. Today a couple broke up, hey maybe even today someone got lost and they're sitting in the rain all by there lonesome. Thoughts like these brought pain to my heart but what brought fear was something far more complex. I have this fear the noise, the deadly flash of light and the sound of cracks in the sky. I don't know why I fear it. Maybe because I'm a wuss...I don't know. I guess it's just the effect they have on me.

"Camz stop crying... I hate watching you cry." She said as her own eyes began to fill with tears.

I looked up at her. Our faces where hit by the moon light that appeared through the clearing of two large dark clouds. The moon light perfectly captured her perfect face and deepened the shade of color in her eyes into a light green ember. I began to get lost into her green orbs. She wiped my tears with the pad of her thumb and then brought her hand to my cheek and caressed it. I looked at her lips and felt my breathing get heavier.

'Omg I want to kiss her. but that'd be weird... besides I'm not ga- ' I began to think until the crashing of our lips interrupted me.

Is Lauren Jauregui kissing me?!

Her soft, plush lips pressed perfectly against mine. I tried to hold back...but I just couldn't...I kissed back. Our lips moving together in sync. The touch between them... was something I've never felt before. It was a tingling sensation that ran all over my body, a nest of butterflies in my stomach, a pain in my chest that would only cease with her touch.She began to kiss me deeply and passionately. Good lord could Lauren kiss. She softly bit my bottom lip and held it between her teeth, After a few seconds that felt like my own forever, She pulled away smiling into the departing of our lips and oddly a part of me didn't want her to depart.

We both panted. Woah...I didn't even realize I was out of breath...

She waited for my response.

"" I managed to say.

" I know." She smiled.

There was a silence.

"Why did you do that?" I blushed.

"I don't know... I thought that maybe it would shut you up..." She joked. "It looks like it worked though..." She winked.

I felt my face turn redder and hot.

I shook my head and smiled.

"Your a dork."

" I'm your dork." She said before closing her eyes.

Maybe I could learn to like thunder storms...if they were always like this.

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