The Effect of Nightmares

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Lauren's POV

I saw it. I had the dream again. Every time I close my eyes it haunts me. However this time it was more detailed and I could feel everything once again:

I was sitting on the beach with her. I couldn't see her face that well because the sun hit her face. I looked down and saw her hand that I had been holding. I noticed a ring on her finger. Forever? What does that mean? Then I felt her touch my chest. She grabbed a necklace that was wrapped around me neck. I looked down at it, another ring. Forever. What the heck? Then all of a sudden she was gone. I started to feel empty inside. Then out of no where I started to get pelted and hit with hard objects. I started to feel it all over again. The pain,hate and revenge. I began to scream but no one came to help me. Then-


Camila's POV

I had woken up to Lauren's screaming."Lauren? What's wrong?" I said over her screams.Then realized she must of been sleeping. I shook her to wake up. "LAUREN. LAUREN."

She jerked then turned her head to face me. She had been crying and drenched in tears and sweat. She was trembling.
I embraced her in my arms. "Lauren...shhh."

She clung onto me as if her life depended on it.

She continued to cry in my arms. I let go of one my arms and reached over to the desk lamp. I clicked it on and the light slowly began to brighten up the room. I then wrapped my arm back around her. I stroked her hair as she cried onto my chest.

"Lo,can you tell me what happened?" I asked her softly.

She stifled. "I remeber Camz... I remember.

My eyes widened.

"Getting hit over and over again." She started to cry more furiously now.

"Lauren calm down your safe now, but tell me... what did you remember?"

She took a deep breath.
"The incident. I remember that I got jumped by Austin and some other guys at the beach and I was with some girl right after I gave her -" She said looking down at my hand. "This?" She said grabbing my hand and showing me my own ring.

"What is this and why do you have it?" She asked me.

I didn't know what to say. Should I tell her? No I can't. But I have to now. Ugh. I can't loose Lauren but she needs to know the truth.
I took a deep breath.

"Lauren. You need to know something."

She wiped her tears with her sleeve and nodded.

"You and I...after our first kiss we-" I couldn't say it. I tried to but no words came out. Say it. Say it. Say it. I kept telling myself. I tried but failed again. I got frustrated. Then I shook my head and did something I knew was wrong.

I cupped her face and looked deep into her green eyes. My lips hovered over hers. I took a shot in the dark. "We fell in love." I breathed. Then closed the gap between our lips. At first I was the only one kissing and began to feel discouraged. I ended up not caring though I had to show her how I felt. I began to kiss her more passionately. Savoring each precious kiss as if it would be the last. I felt a tear shed down her cheek colliding with my own tears that I had failed to notice. That's when she began to kiss me back. I smiled into her lips. She caressed my cheek with her hand. The touch under our lips began to burn in desire. However, I kept it slow and passionate not wanting to overwhelm her. Her hand worked it's way to the back of my neck gripping my hair. She pushed her lips onto mine more vigorously now. Full of so much love and passion. I don't think our lips ever moved so perfectly together. I didn't want to stop, not ever. But I had to because I think I would've died of suffocation. I pulled away slowly still gripping her cheeks. We both panted. I shook my head and quickly kissed her lips again and pulled away after it. I couldn't believe it. Any of this.

I began to catch my breath. "Lauren....Say.....something." I said between breaths.

She shook her head and I dropped my hands from her face. She looked so confused....conflicted.

"Then I will." I took a deep breath. "Lauren I love you. So much. You made me fall for you when I thought I never could. And I regretted never telling you before the incident. But I'm telling you now whether you remember or not. You've been dying to hear me say these words so here they are again........I LOVE YOU LAUREN."

Her eyes widened and she held her chest. She winced in pain and cried again. "I don't know why I'm crying...why it hurts so much."

I held her as she cried. "Lauren..."

She held her head and winced.

"Ugh." She said crying more furiously.

"Lauren what's wrong?" I asked as tears began to run down my face.

Lauren's POV

When I heard her say that she loved me I suddenly felt relieved.
But it didn't last so long. I remembered something again and it hurt 10x more than the last memory.

I was sitting in a room, Dinah's I presume since she had been hugging me. Everything hurt. And I didn't understand why. I felt as if my very being had no point to exist because of the emptiness I felt inside. However, there was a deeper feeling in that moment Betrayal? Jealously? Hate? But the next thing I knew was confessing something to Dinah.

"....I love her Dinah! I fucking love
Her." I felt relief after I said it. Then that was the end of the memory.

I held my head and grunted.

"Lauren what's wrong?"

Camila's POV

She looked my dead in the eyes with her weary ones.

"I think I love you too?" She said more than a question than a statement.


"I remembered something."

"You did?What?" I asked her surprised that our kiss brought upon some type of on switch in her memory.

"I remembered being in Dinah's room confessing the love I had for you. I was in so much pain Camz. I didn't get why though, not until I told her that I was in love with you."

My eyes widened. This is that time that Dinah was talking about. But then I remembered that, it was then and this is now.

"Lauren." I said holding her hands. "Please tell me what your thinking now."

"I don't know. I'm so confused."

"What do you feel?"

"Pain." She said holding her head.

"No, be more specific."

She shrugged and took another deep breath and shook her head lightly. "Um, I don't know my head just hurts. Mostly when I try to remember something or when the memory just comes back to me. But my feels like I can't breath like I'm missing something. It runs up through my body...that feeling, it doesn't hurt physically it just sort of makes me want to cry. I don't know why though."

I furrowed my brows an hugged her. "What about know?" In hope that I could somehow ease her pain.

"It goes away for a few seconds but comes back even harder. It's weird Camz it's as if I'm trying to remember something else but I just cant!"

"Shh. Lo it's okay." I began to stroke her hair.

"The picture of us Camz, ever since I seen it, I began to feel like that and lately I've been so confused. It's like-"

"Your hearts trying to tell you something but it can't?" I asked her.

"Yeah..." She half whispered.

We looked into each other's eyes.

"Lauren... I'm going to ask you one more question and please answer me honestly, How do you feel about me right now?

She began to cry again and smiled over her tears " I already said it Camz, I think I'm in love with you. but-"

We're faking it (A Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now