Peaceful Slumbers

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Lauren's POV

I don't know why I did the things I did tonight. Hugging her,touching her and holding her hand just felt so right? But I don't know why. She's my best friend and I shouldn't be feeling like this. There's a part of me that hurts when I see her, my chest it wells up and I start to feel all tingly whenever I touch her. Then there's another part that reminds me that she's my best friend and that I should only love her in the way I'm supposed to. And I mean I do. I think. So I don't know what the problem is. I really don't know what I feel. I'm so confused.

Camila's POV

After a marathon of movies and constant cuddling with Lauren, we went to bed. Lauren looked exhausted. The bags under her eyes were baggier. Her pupils were more dilated than they were this morning and her body posture screamed 'I feel horrible, goodnight' Overall she looked like she was ready to KO any second.

Dinah and I helped her up to our room. Lauren looked around scanning the room closely.

"Only one bed?" She cocked her brow.

I felt my cheeks turn red. "Uh... yeah."

Dinah smirked "Night Camren." And closed the door.

Note: Kill Dinah later.

She nodded. "Makes sense...not like you'd use your own bed anyway."

I felt my shoulders relax. "RIGHT? Finally someone who understands."

She smiled then looked at my timidly. "Camz?"

"Yeah Lo?"

" I really need to bathe, do you mind-"

"No leaving? It's cool I'll be down sta-"


I looked up at her.

"Do you mind helping me?"

I felt my face turn red.

"Help you?"

"Yeah... I um... it hurts when I barley move so I need help taking my clothes off, someone to run the water, and I think I can do the rest. " She said avoiding my eye contact. I saw a tint of red form on her cheeks.

"No. Of course I'll help you Laur." I reassuringly smiled.

She began to unbutton her shirt.

Wait a second...Lauren she'll be naked!? No. I can't see. I'll probably make her feel weird. What do I do? cover her up. okay with what? Yeah the towel duh.
I swear I was bird for brains whenever she was the reason. I realized I had been watching her begin to undress. I shook my head.

" Just... here let me get a towel." I chocked out.

I walked over to the bathroom cabinet and grabbed her green towel. I then walked over to the tub and ran the water. On my way back to our room, Lauren had attempted to take off her shirt but got stuck in the process. Her abdomen was exposed as well as her black bra. Her arms were stuck somewhere inside the shirt in the process of taking it off. Looking at her gave me chills but I got myself together quickly. I walked over to her.

"Lo? Need a little help there?" I teased her.

"Yes now shut up and help me." She slightly smiled, annoyed.

"Chill there she hulk, I got it." I said beginning to pull the shirt over her head.

There were bruises all over her bare skin. I had been staring at them for too long. She seemed insecure and hid her face. Crap.

"Hey Lo?"

She didn't respond.
After a few seconds, I noticed tear droplets fall onto her jeans.

We're faking it (A Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now