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Camila's POV

I wanted to die. Sorry not the right time.But I felt so betrayed even if I knew it wasn't her fault. She thought we were just best friends and nothing more. She forgot the first time we ever kissed. She forgot her love confession, our dates , and why and how she loved me. She forgot how we made each other feel with just a simple touch. How the contact of our lips could change everything. How we just absolutely adored everything about each other, the good and the bad. When we became official, the incident and My recent but unfinished confession. She'd forgotten everything.

I started to cry uncontrollably falling to my knees. Dinah and Ally ran to me and helped me up.

"Camz? What's wrong" I heard Lauren ask confused.

I stifled. "I wish you knew." I said under my breath.

Dinah and Ally immediately rushed me out of the room. Outside of it, they hugged me.

"She doesn't remember!" I cried.

Dinah held me in her arms as Ally let go, running to go get a box of tissues. "I know. I know." Dinah said streaking my hair.

"Why Dinah?!" I cried out.

"Shh. Shh. I know Mila, calm down." She said.

Ally came back with the tissues and handed me on. I accepted it and wiped my tears. Then realized that the tissues were useless. Ally wrapped her arms around us.

"I can't guys. I can't." I shook my head.

"You can't what?" Ally asked concerned.

"I can't live a life without her love." I stifled. " I love her. I love her so much. And she never got to hear it." I began to cry more furiously now.

"Why don't you tell her what happened?" Dinah asked.

"Are you kidding me?" Dinah's eyes widened when she heard my words. I didn't know why but they surprised her. I continued. "She thinks were just friends. She doesn't remember anything. She'll think I'm weird and reject me. And I'll lose any chance I can ever have with her. and I just can't... I can't."

Ally rubbed my back. " Mila, the doctor said that some memory loss is temporary. She can come back."

I shook my head. "Yeah some."

"She probably just needs something to trigger it back. A memory, or an action." Dinah said. I shook my head as stubborn as I am. Dinah continued. "Mila do you know what this means?"
I shook my head confused.

She slightly smiled. "You need to make her fall in love with you like she did with you. God, you almost sounded exactly like her when she confessed her feelings about you to me, it was creepy."

I rose my brow. "What? When did that happen?"

"It was the day that douch face came to our hotel room bearing gifts. Lauren ran to my room. She was confused, devastated and jealous and she didn't know why. But in our brief conversation, she found out it was because she was in love with you. It was adorable , Mila. You almost sounded just like her when I asked her why she wouldn't just tell you."

My eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yeah, now it's your turn. Make her fall in love with you. Maybe it will trigger a memory and bring her back." Dinah told her.

"Yeah. A love like that doesn't just go away, Mila. You have to fight for it. And I know your a little fighter." Ally said poking at my sides. "The love you both had for each other was like a movie type of romance, it was strong. One can't simply forget it forever."

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