Morgado Jauregui Michelle Lauren June 27 1996

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Camila's POV🏥🚑

Patient under extensive care
Read the green light up sign up above Lauren's room doors. I wasn't sure what that meant. And by that I mean I didn't know the things that they were doing to her. It's been hours since the incident. I've waited here with the girls impatiently and haven't even bother to ask about what happened with the police. My number one priority right now was Lauren. The girls spoke amongst themselves, trying to engage/include me into some of their conversations. In the attempt to try to ease my mind, but each time they failed miserably. I looked at the clock on the wall. 9:45 pm. I watched it tick. With each passing minute my worry grew worse. Then suddenly, a doctor came through Lauren's room doors.

I immediately got up and ran to him. The girls followed.

He removed his mask and looked down at his chart. "Here for Jauregui Lauren?"

"Yes. Is she going to be okay?" I asked.

He smiled. "Yes, she is. She made a triumphant recovery...physically. However..." his smile turned to a frown. "She suffered from a cerebral contusion, severe bruising in the brain tissue. Which we believed was caused by impact of some sort of weapon."

"Okay? So what does that mean exactly?" Ally asked.

"Well, like I said physically she's recovering. However, we don't know how this contusion has affected her brain yet. She's been in a coma since the incident, but in this type of contusion it is not likely that she will stay in one indefinitely. So there should be no worries about that. The only thing I'm saying is that contusions are tricky and it's symptoms can only be known after the patient awakens." The doctor said.

"What are the symptoms?" I asked.

"Let's see, there's difficulty/loss of memory, vision, speech, hearing, managing emotions, change in personality and thinking." He saw the worry on our faces. He put his hands up."But all don't always take place within the same contusion. Meaning that there is a chance they she may not have,might have, few or none of the symptoms." He informed us.

"Can we see her now?" Dinah asked.

"I think it would be best to visit her in a half an hour or so. Just to make sure she's stable and physically okay to be left under no supervision." The doctor half smiled.

We all nodded and slumped back into our seats. I tried to hold back the tears as I counted down the minutes. Dinah hugged me trying to comfort me. But as much as my observational skills sucked, I was able to notice that they were in need of the same thing I was. Her smile. We needed to know that she was okay.


"It's been 30 minutes!" I shot up and said hitting Dinah in the chin.

"Ayy." Dinah groaned.

I ran straight to her room and the girls followed. I knocked on the door.The nurse opened the door.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Can we see her?" I asked.

She looked at her chart then frowned. "You may, but I'm not sure when she will be waking up. She's been in a coma state ever since the incident. But that can't stop her from having visits, here come in." She said motioning us in.

We nodded and approached her. There laid my beautiful girlfriend. Bruised, idle and out cold. Her head was covered in bandages with her hair hanging perfecting down her body from the bandages that wrapped around from the top of her scalp to right above her ear. Covering her head injuries and forehead. She had tubes and machines connected to her from every side of her body. Her heart beat beeped slowly from the monitor with each breath she took from her breathing mask. I covered my mouth with my hand. "This is my fault." I breathed. "It's my fault!" Ally hugged me. "No. No. Honey don't say that. You know you did what you had to."

"No. no." I shook my head. I glanced at Lauren. "That should be me."

Mani put her hand on my shoulder. "You did what you needed to do. You took the chance, if you hadn't you both would've been in here and maybe in worser state."

I shook my head.

"Yeah chancho, listen to us when we say this is not your fault." Dinah reassured me.

I shook my head again.

"Come on." Ally said leading me to Lauren, while being wrapped in her arms.

I took a seat by the chair beside her. I was able to get a closer look at her. She had bruises all over her body, a black eye, and a cut on her bottom lip,temple and right cheek. Everything else surrounding the cuts were dark blue bruises. I wanted to touch her,caress her, but I felt like the slightest touch would hurt her.

"You can touch her..." Ally said, being experienced from her past grandfather's incident.

I ran my hand down from her forearm to her hand and held it. She was cold and still. It allowed me access to fiddle with her fingers, Missing her touch and how she often did it to me. I kissed her hand then intwined our fingers. The girls sat beside us and watched.

I wanted to speak to her...and I knew she probably wouldn't hear me. But I was fine with that, to this extent. I needed to get this off my chest. I took a deep breath. "Lauren?" I stifled. " I want you to know that I love you so much." I started to feel tears run down my cheeks. " I hate that I wasn't able to tell you sooner nor been permitted the chance too, this evening.But I need to get it out Lauren. I'm in love with you and I've always been in love with you. It just took me a while to figure it out. And I'm sorry for that. but I'm more sorry for what happened to you. You did it for me. And I would honestly rather take your place right now. I hate seeing you like this, in so much pain and I regret leaving you to go get help. And I'm just-I'-I'm so sorry Lauren. Please. Please wake up soon. I need you to hear me say that I love you. You've worked so hard to get it out of me and you need to hear it. Please baby wake up soon... I love you so much..."

The girls embraced me in a group hug. Then stood by her. We were in her room for hours, talking about Lauren, her condition and good memories of her. The doctor came in around 2 am and told us that we couldn't stay over night in her room.

The girls agreed that it would be best for us to go home. However, I wanted to stay.

"Guys, I don't want to go. I wanna be here when Lauren wakes up. She needs to hear me say it." I told them.

"Mila... we don't know when she'll wake up and you need to rest and eat. We don't want you to end up in here too." Mani told me sincerely.

I shook my head.

"Mani's right Mila. Come with us. You need to regain your energy." Ally added in a begging tone.

I don't know what to do.

"Andale chancho, we'll be back first thing in the morning." Dinah reassured me, locking her arm with mine.

"Bright and early?" I asked.

"Yump. Come on." She said leading me to the door.

I sighed and gave in. They were right, I needed to be at my best when Lauren woke up. I needed to have the energy to be by her side until she wakes up. More importantly I needed the energy to tell her what she needed to hear.

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