Facing our families

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Camila's POV

God damn Lauren could kiss. I was really surprised that she had the guts to do that especially in front of the whole world.There was something about it that I can't put my finger on, I don't know. I guess it's normal to feel weirdly good after it. Because don't like all females go into a lesbo phase in college ? It's normal right? Yeah it is. I guess I just got the feeling a bit to early. This feeling that I had didn't end up bothering me as much the day after the kiss. Which was a good sign of my "straightness." I only hoped that Austin was okay with it, even though I knew he'd come out with " Nah babe, that was hot." I rolled my eyes at the thought of it. Then closed my eyes and began to drift into sleep in my own bed.

Lauren's POV

I walked into my room and found Camz sleeping in her own bed. Not something you see regularly. She tends to cuddle with me almost every night, not just because she's a wuss but because she likes too. It's especially during thunder storms when she clings onto me like a newborn chimp. She must of really been tired or worse feels awkward about the kiss. I wanted to ask her. But I knew if I did I wouldn't get a response. She tends to tense up when she lies or can't answer a touchy question when it's about the person who's asking it. Especially when it's a touchy subject like this. I decided not to for the well being of our friendship. As much as I wanted to tell my best friend what I felt and how conflicted I was... I couldn't because...I couldn't talk to Camila about Camila.

'Ding Dong!' The door bell rang.
I ignored it, in hope that the other girls would answer it.

It rang again.

"UGH." I grunted.

I got up and walked towards the door. I opened it. There standing at the door was them. Our parents...

Camila's POV

I dreamt about Lauren, and her perfect face that was surely carved by the blade of Jesus. More specifically I dreamt about the kiss. I wanted to tell her something but it wouldn't come out. I then started melting into a puddle of rainbow and went into another world of unicorns and magical creatures. Great escape Camila..another way to avoid a topic even in your dreams... I consciously thought while dreaming. I then heard "CAMILA. CAMILA."

I woke up and shot my head up.

I was met by piercing green eyes.

"Ugh! Whaaat Lauren ? Let me sleep I'm exhausted. " I said in a raspy tone, falling back in bed then putting my head under a pillow.

Lauren snatched the pillow under my grip.

"CAMZ, We have a much bigger problems."

I shot my head up again hitting her jaw.

"Oww..Camila, Man why do you always gotta do that?"

"Sorry what's up Laur?"

"Our parents... there down stairs."

My eyes widened. "WHAT?!"

"Yeah I know... they err want to talk to us. and I'm guessing it's about the interview." She said avoiding eye contact.


She paced back and forth.

"Ugh...umm..." She thought.
"Camz I think we might have to lie to them too..."

"Why?" I asked.

"I know my parents they'll make me go home because I'm being forced to do something I don't want to do." She said still pacing.

"Your right, mine won't be so thrilled either. They'll probably send me out on the next flight... " I told her honestly.

She began to tear up. " I hate this... I hate lying so much..."

"Me too, but Laur we gotta do it. For Fifth Harmony."

She nodded slightly. I then got up and embraced her in a hug.

"For the girls?" I asked her.

She wiped away her tears and nodded. "Yeah, for the girls."

Lauren's POV

Camila entwined her fingers into mine and we walk down stairs holding hands. My parents looked at me with unreadable expressions.
Sinu and Camilas dad slightly smiled at us from the couch.
oh god...

We sat down on the counter stools and faced them.

"Hey mami... Hey papi..." Camila waved.

"Dad... Mom..." I managed to say.

" Lauren..." My dad began to say.

" Dad I know what you gonna say, it sort of just happened and- " I said when Camila cut me off.

"We love eachother and there's nothing you guys can do to stop us."

My mouth dropped.

Our parents smiled at eachother.

What the hell?

"Listen girls... we know." My mom said.

"Know what?" I asked.

"We knew this was going to happen... you guys couldn't of had made it more obvious." Sinu smiled at us.

"Yeah... We knew it would be a matter of time for you both to finally come out." My dad said.

"But how did you know?" Camila asked surprised.

"Honey, come on now. The kisses on the cheek, the long hugs, the unintentional lovey dovey statements, holding hands, cuddles? and the way you both look at eachother... you guys really couldn't stop giving us hints." Sinu said.

" And you guys are okay with it?" Lauren and I both blurted out simultaneously.

They all nodded.

Camila's dad then said " Mija we all talked about it, a few months back and I couldn't be more happy to know that Lauren will be by your side through everything... I trust that she'll take good care of you."

"Same goes for you Lauren... We couldn't be happier that Camila is the one." My mother smiled.

I whispered under my breath, "What. The. Fuck." Then felt Camz glare at me. She hated it when I cursed. She said it wasn't pretty when said by a pretty face.

She directed her attention back to them. " Thanks for the support mami, papi, and Mr.&Mrs. Jauregui."

"Yeah thanks." I smiled.

"Camila Honey call us Mike and Clara." My dad told her.

Oh my god what is happening!

"Same goes for you Lauren call us Sinu and Alejandro." Sinu told me.

I felt Camila's hand tense into mine.

I nodded and smiled.

"Okay girls, our flight leaves in three hours. We just came by to talk to you guys about it. And we'd love to stay but we left Taylor and Chris with uncle Cody and Sinu and Alejandro left sofi with her grandma. " My mom said.

"I'll phone you later Karla?" Sinu asked Camz .

"Si mami,te quiero mucho." Camz said letting go of my hand and running into her parents arms.

I walked towards mine.

"We love you too, baby girl, Ablamos despues." my dad said kissing my forehead.
My mom nodded and hugged me.

Then they were gone.

I looked at the front door for no apparent reason and thought" What the heck just happened?"

"I don't even know." Camz responded.

"Crap I said that outloud." I sighed to myself.

Camz giggled.

After that there was a silence. I could now clearly hear rain hit against the windows and the building.

Camila held my hand in response to the sound, " Lauren...Can we cuddle tonight?"
She asked me very timidly.

I smiled put my hand on her cheek. " Of course."

We're faking it (A Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now