Contusion Lauren vs Subcontious Lauren Pt.4

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Camila's POV

I didn't know what else to do. I knew I couldn't give up, but she wanted me too. Don't I have to respect her decision? Because in the end, I would have to do the right thing...if that's what she wanted, then I would have to fulfill her wish, no matter how much it hurt. But knowing me, I couldn't live my life without her love. I can't just go back to the way things were. It would just be too hard. No matter what ends up happening, she will always be my first and final love. And that will never change, even if she wants it too.

"Cah-Camila?" I heard a tender husky voice whisper.

I looked up to meet the green eyes I fell in love with. She slightly smiled and wiped my tears away with the pad of her thumb.

"Lauren?" I sniffled.

"Y-yeah, babe." She smiled.

Why is she being so tender to me?

"What are you doing? I thought you wanted this to stop?" I asked her a bit surprised of her sudden actions.

"I didn't m-mean it Cah-Camz, I was just so angry and overwhelmed. I-I was feeling so attracted to you, but I didn't know why. I t-tried to rremember, but as hard as I-I tried, I could-ldnt and that pppissed me off; it even scared me. I'm s-sorry. I h-hate everything I s-said to you, none of it wa-was true. You know that I'm somehow in love with you. And that all of the things I said couldn't be true because I love you. The only rrreason I said t-those things is because I just...hate that I don't know why...why I'm in love with my best friend."

"Lauren..." My voice trembled.

"Please stop crying." She frowned. "You know I hate seeing it."

I took a deep breath and got myself together.

"Okay." I exhaled.

She smiled and leaned in to kiss my forehead. I smiled in response to the touch of her lips aging my skin.

She pulled away and smiled back. "See? That smile's so much better."


"T-talk to me."

"I need you to be honest with me. You need to tell me when your feeling overwhelmed or when you can't take it anymore. Or even... when I'm the problem... Or the reason why your beginning to feel bad."

"Your not-" She began to say until I put my index finger on her lips to sush her.

"It's okay. You can admit it. I was the problem. You need to tell me though. Okay? I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to do."

"Camila" She said against my lips.

I pressed them harder against her lips.

"And I want you to know-" I continued to say until she kissed my finger. She then held my hand in hers.

"Cah-can you sh-shut up for a sec-second and let me t-talk?"

"If she can even talk." Dinah added.

Huh? Wait. She's stuttering. WHAT THE HECK?! Since when? Have I been so stuck in the moment that I had failed to notice?

"Holy shit have you been stuttering the whole time?" I asked concerned.

She nodded her head.

"What happened?!"

Lauren was about to open her mouth but her own words were replaced by Dinah's.

"She sort of.. lost her ability to speak well." Dinah laughed nervously.

We're faking it (A Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now