It's Not You. It's Me.

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Narrator's POV

The next day, Camila found her self wrapped in Lauren's arms. She had slowly opened her eyes and realized that she had fallen asleep on Lauren's bed....with Lauren. Camila turned to face Lauren. She admired her beautiful features. Smiling, she pulled a strand of hair out of Lauren's face. In response to Camila's touch Lauren's nose twitched. Camila could not help but think how adorable that was. She ran her fingers across Lauren's lips. The touch beneath her fingers tingled. Lauren began to move her head deeper into the pillow. Camila then planted a chaste kiss on her lips. Lauren opened her eyes slowly. "Mmmm... If only I could wake up like that every morning."

Camila chuckled then dug her face into Lauren's neck. A sudden realization hit her. 'The boys...'

Her head shot up and hit Lauren square in the jaw.

"Oww...Camzs, is that gonna be like our thing now?" Lauren said digging her face into the pillow.

Camila turned Lauren's head to face her. Then kissed her chin. "Sorry and no you dope..."

"Correction, your dope. " Lauren mumbled and closed her eyes.

Camila brushed off Lauren's cuteness.

"Lo I just realized that were still "dating" the boys."

Lauren's eyebrow rose. "Your right, totally forgot about them..."

Camila chuckled "And are you planning on telling him?"

Lauren opened her eyes. "Of course I am..."

"When?" Camila asked.

"I don't know, perhaps our wedding day." Lauren joked.

"I'm serious."

"Well, I guess today then and why?"

" I want to be there with you when you talk to him and I want you to be with me when I talk to Austin." Camila said. "I want to let them down easy. I feel bad for leading them on and I need you there With me because Austin has anger issues and I really don't want to be alone when I tell him."

"Yeah Camz, of course I'll be there with you. And I promise I won't let anything happen to you." Lauren said caressing her cheek.

Camila nodded. "I guess we can talk to them together then?"

Lauren nodded. " Sure, I'll text him later but for now..." Lauren pulled Camila closer into her body. "I just wanna lay here with you." She smiled.

Camila smiled in response to Lauren's touch. Lauren's lips hovered over Camila's. She softly brushed her lips against her chin and to Camila's disappointment, quickly pecked Camila's lips.

Camila cocked her brow. She was expected the kiss to be of 'Jauregui' potential. "What was that?"

" A kiss?" Lauren said confused.

"I want your deep, slow, passionate kisses, not a meaningless peck." Camila pouted.

Lauren chuckled then put her hand on Camila's cheek. "After last night, I told my self that I would only fully kiss you, until we officially started dating."

"Arn't we already dating?" Camila asked confused.

"Nope." Lauren said popping the "p". "What has Austin been teaching you?"

Camila shrugged her shoulders.

"Look, here's your first lesson into "Love". So your officially dating when your friend asks you on a date and you accept. Therefore, I must first ask you on a date for us to be officially dating."

We're faking it (A Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now