The Interview

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Lauren's POV

Great timing Dinah...

"Woah," Normani said beside them.

" Were we interrupting something?" Ally said cocking her brow.

Camila put her hands up " No.No.No. We were just-"

"Practicing..." I finished winking at Camz.

"Sure....I think we were about to witness some super hot lesbo kissing right about now ladies." Dinah winked at us.

"Shut up." Camila said holding my hand and pulling me out of the elevator. "Were gonna be late for the interview.

I turned my head to face the girls behind me "Thank you, I'll tell you later." I mouthed.

They smiled and followed us to the stage. Our music started playing in the background as we began to take our seats. Camz and I sat next to eachother. In response to our entrance, the crowd cheered. Camz entwined our fingers together and waved at the crowd...just like we practiced.

"Hey, Ladies... you guys are 5 minutes late! You had us a little worried, We were about to send out a search party, right guys?" Ellen asked the crowd.

They cheered.

"Sorry Ellen, these two bozos got stuck in the elevator and to top it off Mani wasn't feeling so well. She's okay now though." Dinah said.

"Oh, I see... the elevator. What happened?" Ellen asked with a tone of interest in her voice.

"No Ellen, More importantly I think the question is what happened in there..." Ally said looking straight at Camz and I.

The crowd gasped.

Ellen chuckled .

" Well?" She asked us.

"I think it's better if I let these two tell you." Dinah smirked.

The crowd cheered in aww and excitement.

Ellen cocked her brow. "Well ladies?"

I winked at Camila.

The crowd literately died.

"Well, we did what all couples in love do in an elevator..." Camila paused." We sang show tunes." She smiled.

The crowd roared in laughter.

I chuckled along with Ellen.

Camila then blew me a kiss.

Ellen pretended to catch it. Camila cocked her brow.

Ellen then pointed at herself. "Not me, oh" she joked.

I shook my head laughing.

Ellen readjusted her self in her seat. "Just messing with you girls, it's nice to have you guys here. So Camren would you mind telling us how life has changed for you after coming out?"

I thought, trying to formulate these words correctly. But Camila beat me to it.

"It's amazing." She smiled.

"That's it? I think Fried Oreos are amazing, but Portia is much more than amazing." Ellen joked.

"It's unexplainable." Camila simply said.

"I see, now girls when's the next album coming out?" Ellen asked, taking the attention off us.

The rest of the interview went by smoothly. At the end, after everyone exited, We proceeded with the plan.

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