The Date

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Lauren's POV

The next day, I woke up with Camila's arms around me. I slowly got out of her embrace. Her nose twitched in response to my absence. I started packing all of my and Camz's things as quietly as I could. After I finished, I texted Ally to make sure she was parked outside. I received a text back almost immediately. It read:"Yup hurry up!"

I carefully made my way to the front door, in hope that I would not wake her up. And I succeeded.

Camila's POV

My eyes began to flutter open. The sun light coming from the window stung my eyes. I turned feeling for Lauren's touch...I felt the all over the bed. SHE WASN'T HERE. My head shot up. She wasn't in the room. Okay she's probably down stairs. I made my way down stairs.
No Lauren. I looked all over the hotel room. and still no sign of her. I then texted her
To Lauren 💘

"Where are you?"

My phone buzzed.

From Lauren 💘

"Check the kitchen."

I made my way to the kitchen and looked everywhere. No sign of her. I even checked the fridge and the pantry, not that I'd think she'd be in there but just out of curiosity. Suddenly my stomach began to grumble. I then spotted a gift from god left for me on the counter. A box of pizza. "PRAISE THE LORD." I said with my hands in the air. I ran to the box and opened it. There laid a pizza with two pieces taken out of it's perfectness. In between the empty space of the pizza laid a sticky note. I picked it up and read it.

Good morning Princess,

As you have already noticed I left. I packed ALL of our things and took them over to our new house. I left you sleeping because you were so peaceful and I didn't want to disturb you. But more importantly I needed the extra time to plan our date tonight ;) Ally said she would pick you up at 3, so you could start getting ready at our new home. Meet me @ the town carnival at 6.

Ps. Nice panties

Love your sexy date,
Lauren 💋

(There was literately a red lip stick kiss next to her name.)

My face turned red. I shook my head, smiled and gently tossed the note to the side. I then devoured the pizza Lauren had left me. After I decided to take a look at the twitter feed. I went outside and sat down at the park bench.
My phone rang a million times. I turned off the ringer and clicked on the latest post that Camren had been tagged in.


I chuckled.

Then looked at the post beneath it.

"Is it weird that i'd rather make out with Lauren Jauregui than Austin Mahone? And I'm straight." #lj #am #camren

I chucked and replied to that tweet "Nah girl, Me too."

Shortly after I had replied to the post I received a text.

From Austin

" That was cute...It's coming soon...So watch your back."

I cocked my brow. Then deleted the message. He possibly couldn't do anything to ruin us. At least I that's what I hope.

Lauren's POV

I walked down the stairs of our new beach house. I have one word that can describe it. Amazing. It had a pool, the beach right next to it, was multi bedroomed and elegant for the most part.

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