Facing the world

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Lauren's POV

"Hey Hey Hey, Pop Candy Tv here today with the girls of Fifth Harmony and a hungry live audience." The interviewer said in a very animated voice.

The crowd screamed in excitement. I sat next to Camz as Simon said too.

As much as I wanted it to be another one of those interviews in where we get asked the same annoying question, it would only be far from being one of those. This is the interview that would change our lives. Well at least mine and Camz's. Today, in this very interview was the day that we outed our "secret" to the world or at least I would. Due to Camila's inability to touch on a subject that she knows is a complete lie.

" So Lauren... We've received many questions on twitter about camren tell us about it." The interviewer said holding up the microphone for me.

"Well, it's like our relationship name." I turned to look Camila.

" I see, now I have to ask Camila... is Camren real?" The interviewer asked holding the microphone up for Camz.

The crowd stood silent. Camila's eyes grew wide and she began to play with her fingers.

CRAP. This wasn't supposed to happen. I was supposed to do all the talking. Camz is going to get flustered and I don't even know what's going to come out of her mouth when she's like that. I thought this as our careers laid in her fragile little hands.

I put my hand in her shoulder.

Camila sighed " Yes... it's real, very real."

The crowd gasped.

"Why have you both denied it so much?" The Interviewer asked.

Camila fiddled with her fingers and looked down.

I dropped my hand from her shoulder.

"Because we didn't know about our feelings until recently...we found out that we were more than just friends." I butted in, trying to take the attention of Camz.

"So it's not because of the recent drop in fans?" The interviewer asked.

Crap... it is but what do I do lie some more?

Camila held my hand and sighed. "No of course not, Lauren and I... we've fell for each other since the first day we meet, we just didn't know it. It took us a while to figure it out."

"Aww..." some of the crowd said.

"I DON'T BELIEVE IT!" Someone yelled from the audience.

Of course there has to be that one person.

"YEAH, y'all just doing it because of us." Another yelled.


"Hmm seems like they need a little convincing..." the interviewer stated.

I turned to look at the crowd. Then stood up bringing Camz with me.

Why would I need to do any convincing when I can just do this?" I yelled to the audience.

I turned her to face me and looked into her chocolate brown eyes.

Then in the back of my mind I heard Simon say 'be convincing'

I put my hands on her waist and pulled her into my body. I then crashed out lips together. It took no time for our lips to move together in perfect sync. Her lips were so soft, plush and moved perfectly against mine. She put her arms around my neck.

The crowd began to cheer.

" At a girl!" I heard no other than Dinah yell out to me.

The audience laughed at her comment and continued to cheer for us.

I pulled away when air was necessary for my survival.

We looked into eachother's eyes, panting. I began to get lost into her chocolate brown one's then she whispered "Earth to Lauren." I snapped out of it and regained consciousness.

She gave me a slight smile. My hear began to thump into my ears.

"Not bad Jauregui." She winked.

Then grabbed hand and sat us both back down to our chairs.

I felt my lips tingle as I looked back at hers and revisited the memory..throughout the rest of the interview.

What the hell? Did I just...I mean did I enjoy it? I shook my heard. No I like Luis... And I'm certainly not gay. Maybe it was just the moment. Yeah, the rush.

"Lauren...you okay?" Camz asked me.

I turned to meet her beautiful eyes. "Y-yeah" I stuttered as I began to drop my gaze to her lips.

Holy shit.

We're faking it (A Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now