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Camila's POV

"I need time to transition into this, but I want you to be that time Camila, I don't know what it is about you but you make me feel so..." She said putting her fist up trying to convey the feeling.

" I know. I know." I reassured her holding her hand.

"I realized that I really did love you once and it was strong because even now I feel it. But I don't remember any of it and it's hard for me to feel something I don't understand. But I loved you once for a reason, and I want you to show me why. Help me remember Camz. Ease my pain. You can do it by helping me remember things faster, even if it puts me in pain, the faster I endure it the better. She held both of my hands. "Help me feel something different then confusion, hate and anger. Give me a reason to smile. Remind me of who I was and who I can become." She caressed my cheek and furrowed her brows. "Help me understand why I love you."

My eyes began to fill with tears. I was so lucky that Lauren has given me this chance. I couldn't believe it. But apart from this great opportunity, I had realized something. The contusion had now exposed it's true side affects...Im not talking about just the memory loss, but what the doctors, the girls, and I had failed to notice. The Loss of Emotion(s). It made sense. All of it. It was the reason why she was confused with our touch....the sparks,oblivious to our connection, to the obvious clues revealing our story. This is the REASON WHY SHE HAD BEEN SO CONFUSED. I felt as if I had come upon the cure to heart disease or something. This piece of revelation hit me harder than that bus that hit Regina George. However, above it all, I felt relieved...It all made sense. I shook my head and smiled like an idiot to myself.
This chance...was my chance to show her why I love her and why she loves me. She wanted me to be that person, the person to help her remember but more importantly the person to show her how to love again. To teach her what love is and why she feels it, like she had done with me. Dinah was right, Lauren and I had definitely switched roles. I was her and she was me. The only difference was is that she already loved me...she just didn't understand why.

"Okay Lauren. Okay." I embraced her in my arms. "I'll help you understand..." I said between sobs. "I'll help you understand why we love each other."

She wrapped her arms around me reciprocating the hug. "Thank you. So much Camila..."

I shushed her. "No.No. It's my pleasure. It would be nothing but a privilege to teach you how to love again, Lauren. Just how you had done with me."

She smiled gently. "How though?
Are you just going to tell me everything from the beginning?"

I thought about it. Maybe I should? No. Ugh I don't know....what would subconscious Lauren do? Then it came to me.

I smiled mischievously. "No, Lauren that's too boring. Why tell you when I can show you?"

"What?" She asked dumbfounded.

"Laur, I know this is a shot in the dark but let me take you out.

"Like on a d-date?" she stuttered.

"Yeah." I retorted.

"Uhhh." She said nervously.

"Please." I pouted.

She gave in and smiled. "Alright but only because I can't stand it when you pout. She said pinching my cheeks. I scrunched up my face. She smiled at me gently.

"You adorable Camz, and that's probably on my list of the reasons why I love you.But who knows? I can't remember." She joked.

I punched her arm playfully. "Your charm was one of my biggest things." I glanced over at the digital alarm clock that laid on the dresser beside me. 5:20 am. "Now, I think you should get some rest. I don't want you sleeping on our date, well at least not at first." This was my attempt of trying to take Lauren's moves. But let's face it, I'm not as smooth as her. But you can't blame a girl for trying.

Her jaw dropped.

"Just kidding, night!" I said laying back down and turning off the light.

I heard her lightly chuckle and with that I was more than content.

We're faking it (A Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now