Facing the girls

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Camila's POV

We sat awkwardly in the living room of our hotel room. I looked around at the walls hoping Lauren would say something... anything that would get this conversation over with.

"So... what did you guys want to talk to us about?" Normani asked with a tone of interest in her voice.

Lauren began to open her mouth but nothing came out.

I held her hand reassuring her.

"Come on guys, you guys know that you can tell us anything-" Ally said.

"Yeah, so shoot." Dinah interrupted.

" Okay, so apperrantly our careers are on the line because of this camren crap. And Simon made it very clear that we have to give the fans what they want-" Lauren said before once again was interrupted. something that this group tends to do a lot.

"So your gonna give them what they want?" Normani asked.

"Exactly, it's the only way we can assure our career at this point." She said before all of their faces shot up with huge smiles, except Mine and Lauren's .

She put her hands up motioning for them to wait before they got any ideas. "But We're faking it. Nothing's gonna mean anything, and nothing going to change between our friendship...right Camz?"

"Right." I said looking into her piercing green eyes.

" OMG I SHIP THIS SO HARD!" Dinah said.

" YAASS! this is so cute omg." Ally said covering her mouth in aww and excitement.

Lauren, Normani and I just laughed at their foolishness.

" You guys are dorks." Lauren told them.

"Super dorks." I added.

" Thanks guys, I can't believe you guys would do this for us.." Normani began to tear up.

"Really guys we appreciate it." Ally smiled putting a hand on Mani's shoulder.

"Yeah, I would never date Camila... not if my life depended on it. " Dinah commented.

I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out at her.

"Just kidding, girl you know I love you." Dinah winked at me.

"Yeah, like we've said before...we're sisters and we sacrifice things, do things and now even fake things for each other. And that will never change. Our future comes first, I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't see everyone of your faces 7 times a week. Even you Dinah..." Lauren smiled then chuckled at Dinah's reaction.


I smiled at Lauren's compassion, then at Dinah for of course being Dinah.

Thank god the girls are fine with our fake relationship and it was hard even telling them. Now it's time to face the boys then the world and I hope we don't have to do any convincing...

We're faking it (A Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now