The plan

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Narrator's POV

Lauren knew she looked hot and flashed it in Camila's face. Everything was going according to her plan. As Lauren approached the girls their faces only hung in udder surprise and aww.

"LAUREN, holy shit." Dinah blurted out.

"What?" Lauren asked, knowing exactly to what she was referring too.

"Girl, you look hot." Ally winked.

"Why the sudden change in look? More importantly Where's you leather jacket? Normani joked.

Lauren cocked her brow. "Can't a girl just try something new?"

"I'm just saying." Normani said putting her hands up.

Camila managed to get herself together. "Ahem. I-uh were gonna be late for the interview."

Camila then got up avoiding Lauren's eye contact. She made her way to the van. The girls followed. Lauren smirked in success.

As the girls arrived Lauren texted Mani, Ally and Dinah. The text read "According to plan?"

Lauren looked up from her phone to observe their reactions. They all nodded. The van came to a stop.

Normani held onto her stomatch. And began to make a puking sound. "Ugh guys I think in starting to feel sick."

"Aww, Mani lets get you inside." Ally said .

"Alright come on girls." Dinah said motioning everyone to get out of the van as she opened it.

Mani ran out of the Van immediately. The rest if the girls followed. They got into the building and stopped at an elevator. Mani pressed the button a million times.

"Chill Mani." Ally said.

Mani covered her mouth and faked it well. The elevator finally opened. The girls stepped in. Ally pressed button 8, the highest floor. The elevator began to move. Camila held Lauren's hand in response. Then let it go almost immediately and bit her lip. Lauren pretended as if she didn't feel it. But oh did she want to hold it back in her own.

The elevator was taking a long time to reach the eighth floor. Mani couldn't "take it" anymore.

"I CANT.. I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE." Mani said pushing button 7.

"Mani!" Dinah yelled.

The doors opened and Mani ran out. Ally and Dinah followed in pursuit. But before they'd be too far from the door. Ally pushed the close door button with her elbow as Dinah "accidentally" tripped and fell back on Ally. Causing them both to fall back. Mani continued to run towards the bathroom. The doors closed.

Lauren sighed " Only fifth harmony..."

Camila chuckled at first. Then pressed the 8 button. But little did she know that Dinah was on the other side pushing the up and down buttons constantly. The number eight button inside the elevator was turning on and off. Camila began to freak out and in response to the flickering light she pressed the eight button, over and over and over again. She pressed it in a constant motion until the elevator moved up and almost immediately stopped. The elevator music began to turn staticky and then turned off.

"WHAT?! COME ON!" Camila said pressing the 8 button again.

The elevator did not respond.

"OH MY GOD LAUREN WERE STUCK.THE ELEVATORS STUCK! NO ONES GOING TO FIND US AND WERE GONNA DIE IN HERE." Camila began to freak out. She paced back and forth not just because she was scared but because she was stuck in an elevator with her biggest tease. Lauren.

Lauren smiled in response to her reaction. "Camz... calm down."

"Were stuck in here and were gonna die!" Camila continued.

"Camila..." Lauren said putting her hands on Camila's shoulders and turning her to face her.

Camila contined "First where going to starve, then-"

Lauren started to close the gap between their lips. Camila felt her body calm down. She suddenly felt safe. She held her breath and leaned into kiss her. Lauren stopped literally a few centimeters away from her lips. Camila felt Lauren's breath hot against her own. She puckered her lips waiting eagerly for Lauren's . Lauren then moved her lips to Camila's forehead and kissed it chastely.

Camila exhaled. "Damn" she breathed.

Lauren smirked.
"Hey, there going to find us. But meanwhile I think we should practice. What about you?"

Camila's eyes widened at the thought of having a full out make out session with Lauren. Then she shook her head "Yeah... I think that's a good idea-TO practice I mean." She chocked out.

Lauren chuckled.

"Alright then." She said letting go of Camila's shoulders and grasping her hand. "So first, we walk in like this." Lauren entwined their fingers and rubbed the front of Camila's hand with the pad of her thumb. "Then..."She continued to say with her voice becoming huskier with each word said. She then leaned into her lips but ended resting her fore head on Camila's. Their noses touching for a second but then turning away "We greet the fans...and Ellen of course. Lauren said waving her hand at the pretend audience. "And Lastly, to seal the deal...we do this."

Lauren then let go of Camila's hand. She placed her hands on her waist. Then wrapped her arms around her waist. Lauren pulled the younger girls body into her own. Camila's heart rate was increasing as she felt Lauren's heart beat against her body. Lauren then started to lean into Camila's lips. Camila started to pant, her breathing becoming more uneasy by the second. She wanted the older girl to kiss her already.

But Lauren's goal was to become a tease and she seemed to be meeting it. Their lips were hovering over each others. Camila could feel Lauren's breath. Lauren then brushed her lips over Camila's and as she was about to pull away, the younger girl grabbed Lauren's face and crashed their lips together. At first their lips moved at a slow speed. Enjoying each precious kiss. Moving in perfect sync. After a few seconds of sweet, slow, meaningful kisses, Lauren deepened the kiss. kissing the younger girl more passionately. At first Lauren did this by bitting Camila's bottom lip softly. Causing Camila to let out a soft moan. Lauren smirked and in response her tongue asked for permission to enter. Camila immediately agreed. Their tongues fought for dominance. Lauren of course won, being more experienced and all, it wasn't a surprise to Camila.

As Camila gave up, Lauren continued to taste the younger girls month. After what felt like an eternity of passionate kissing, Lauren pulled away softly biting Camila's bottom lip as she departed.

Both panting and catching their breaths, Camila managed to say"Wow."

"I know..."Lauren panted."We're really gonna fool em." She winked.

"Lauren..." Camila began to say but couldn't find the words to finish her own sentence.
Instead the younger girl just looked at her lips again once more. She ran her hand up to her face and caressed her cheek. Then ran her index finger across the older girl's lips. Just as the younger girl was about to close the space between them, the doors opened.

We're faking it (A Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now