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Camila's POV

We walked to the beach next to our house. There at a spot perfectly beneath the rocks, was a pick nick blanket set up laying under a large brown basket. My stomach grumbled. "Food..." I mumbled.

Lauren chuckled. "Not yet Camz, we gotta get wet first."

"What? No. I'm starving." I said beginning to sit down on the blanket.

Suddenly Lauren swooped me from the ground and began to carry me over her shoulder.

"Lauren!" I said hitting her back with my fists.

She ran towards the water and didn't stop at the shallow part, she kept going. Oh lord. She chuckled lightly at my fear.

When we got to the point where the water was hitting her just below her neck, to my udder horror she dropped me.

I swallowed the freezing salt water. Then quickly stood up and started to shake.

"Ugh..It's so cold!" I glared at her. She continued to laugh at me, holding her stomach and trying to keep back the tears.

"You think that's funny Jauregui?" I said with a glint of revenge radiating in me.

"Hilarious." She responded still laughing.

"What about this?"

I held my breath and then sunk into the water and pulled her ankles. She fell backwards into the water.

She didn't resurface. I waited for a few more seconds. No Lauren.

"LAUREN?" I asked as the current was beginning to push me away more furiously now.

There was no response.

"LAUREN!?" I yelled as the current was getting stronger.

I started I tear up. Lauren...she..
Then suddenly a huge wave began to cast over me. In that moment, I knew I was a goner. But suddenly, I felt someone pull me down into the water and put their arms around my waist. I opened my eyes for a second and realized it was Lauren. I closed them almost immediately realizing how stupid that was. We both peddled our feet to keep from totally sinking. Lauren then placed her hands on cheeks and crashed her lips against mine in a chaste kiss. We both then resurfaced by paddling up to regain the necessary oxygen we had just lost.

When we did, the huge wave that I had seen just a few seconds ago was now a few inches away. I closed my eyes fearing the worst when I suddenly felt Lauren wrap her arms around me. I didn't feel scared anymore I felt...safe.

The wave hit us. We both fell into the water once again and resurfaced when the wave had ceased.

Lauren and I laughed at the fun we were having then decided to both get out of the water and sit down to go eat.

"That was so much fun!" Lauren said with a lit up grin that I don't think I've ever seen her wear.

"Lauren...you do realize that we almost died right?" I told her.

She laughed heartily. "No we didn't. And you got to admit that was fun... and that kiss-." She smiled remembering it.

"Was perfect...." I smiled "Your perfect." I said truthfully.

She smiled and rested her hand I too of mine. " Not as much as you, Camz." She then started to rummage through the basket as if she was looking for something. She smiled and pulled out two boxes. Then She knelt down on one knee facing me. "And that's why..." She said opening the smaller box.

Inside it was a silver ring that had something engraved in it.

My mouth dropped. She's proposing. What do I say? Do I love Lauren? Think. Think. I thought of every moment we've spent together and how she makes me feel. How I long for her touch,her smile, her personality and all of her. Then it hit me. And I hated to admit it but I've done the one thing that I thought I would never do. Love another girl.
"I do."

Lauren laughed heartily.
"I'm not proposing... yet." Her green orbs met mine.

I felt my face turn red.

" Psh...I know, I was just kidding." I lied.

She smiled because she knew that was a lie.

"Then what are you doing?" I chocked out, both nervous and confused.

Lauren took a deep breath and met my eyes again.

"I want to make you mine...forever. Camila Cabello, will you be my girl friend?" Lauren said looking deep into my eyes with her green orbs.
All I could think at this moment was all of the reasons why I loved lauren. Wait what? I LOVE LAUREN? Yes, Camila you love Lauren. Have I always loved Lauren and just been blind? Is that why I'm always getting all these butterflies, tingles, emotions and desires from her? Omg how have I been so stupid?! Of course I Love Lauren. I've loved her ever since our first kiss. I had to tell her but how?

"Camila?" Lauren asked worried.

I shook my head. "Sorry." I hugged her. " And Yes Lauren. The answer is yes. I'd love to be your girlfriend."

She smiled and pulled away from the hug. Then she removed the ring from the box and asked for my hand. I gave her my left hand. She put the ring on my ring finger.
"What does it say?" I said squinting at the words.

"It says, Forever? And on the inside...it has my name engraved. " Lauren said opening the other box. She took out a silver necklace with a engraved ring hanging from it. "And Mine says Forever. And has your name engraved in it."

She then unhooked the necklace. "Can you put it on?" She asked.

I smiled. " Of course."
She moved her hair to the side. I then wrapped the necklace around her neck and hooked it on. I then pressed my body against hers and wrapped my arms around her.

"Forever?" I asked.

"Forever." She responded.

I was speechless. Officially done. I had so many feeling welling up inside me and they were because of her...I needed to tell her and now.

My eyes started to tear up. "Lauren . I want you to know something that if I don't say it now i'm not sure I'll be able to say it as perfect as I can interpret it at this very moment. She nodded and turned to face me. "Your my best friend and the person I have slowly began to fall for. I fell for how Beautiful you are physically and mentally. Your compassionate, hilarious,comforting, a dork sometimes but in a good way and I can name many a million more reasons why your just absolutely perfect but it does not amount to who you are and how it's made me slowly fall in love with you. But at least that's what I've thought. I smiled. "I'm sorry I've been so blind and stupid.... You were always- You ARE the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Not just because your perfect but because of who you are. Lauren... I lov-"

"Aww... Hear that pals?" I heard a male voice say. "The gays are in love."

We're faking it (A Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now