Prologue: The Love Letter.

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"Let's see.. your eyes.. are like the morning dew. Nah, too cheesy." 

A blonde haired girl with a pony tail and emerald green eyes, wearing a tube top and short shorts, sat at a desk, scribbling down various words upon a neat piece of paper, a lamp lit next to her.

The digital clock on the side of the desk said 4:00 AM.  

There was a yawning noise, and Touma Kamijou stepped out of the bathroom, rubbing his eyes. 

Mordred's tube top, despite it being very feminine clothing (not that she particularly knew that) had been her choice due to the fact she preferred to never have to wear her armor again. According to her, it was extremely freeing not to wear such heavy hot stuff that she had worn for her entire life when she served the Knights of the Round Table (making Touma wonder how the heck she went to the bathroom). 

As a result, even Mordred's Servant form now lacked armor, instead she deigned to wear a red breast band and neat scarlet waist garments and arm guards.  (which also looked very feminine.. to which Touma was careful not to comment on..)

"What are you doing up?" Touma muttered tiredly. "don't tell me you're still writing..?"

"I gotta get this perfect.." said Mordred, a bead of sweat trickling down her forehead. "I have to get this just right..  t.. tell me Master.. what do you know about girls?"

Touma had to resist the urge to say "you tell me." 

"Er.. they're girls I guess.. honestly I've had nothing but trouble when it comes to females.." said Touma. "Come on.. go to bed already.. my bed's big enough for the both of you.."

Touma looked at his bed, which he no longer slept in thanks to the particular white haired girl that was currently snuggled under the covers.. her face not visible thanks to her pulling up the blankets over her face to obscure herself from the light of the lamp. 

"Me sleeping alongside some strange woman?!" stammered Mordred. "Do not be absurd. Plus it wouldn't be right for a noble knight such as myself! That woman is of the cloth! Sleeping with one of the cloth is just.. NOT RIGHT!"

"Trust me.. she's much less innocent then her status as a nun would suggest." muttered Touma. "Just the other day she devoured 2,000 yen's worth of ice cream... and supposedly her order is forbidden from indulging themselves like that.."

"Still.. it is official that she is of the cloth! Even I wouldn't cross that line." muttered Mordred. "And I'm the one who led a rebellion!"

"What are you writing anyways?" Touma muttered, staring at Mordred's paper. 

"None of your beeswax ya piece of crap!" Mordred snapped, folding her arms haughtily. "A peasant like you has no business looking at a King's writings!!"

"Ok.. " said Touma, walking off. "I'm going back to bed."

"W-Wait!!" stammered Mordred, her face going red. "Okay.. look this is the first time I've written something like this.. and it's not easy.. I could use your help.."

"Yeah?" said Touma.

"Look.. ehem.. I.. am writing a letter of courtship to a potential candidate for ruling alongside me when I gain my throne upon Camelot." said Mordred, now sounding uncharacteristically cordial. 

"A love letter?" said Touma. "Huh.. whose the lucky guy?"

"LADY!" roared Mordred, looking vicious as her sword Clarent appeared in her hand in an ominous burst of scarlet light. "What ya think I'm GAY!?"

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 2: Red.Where stories live. Discover now