Time To Slay The King

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"CAREFUL!! CAREFUL!!" stammered Stiyl.

"Hey.. any landing you can walk away from.. AM I RIGHT!? WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!" Amelia laughed. "i mean I walked away from my last flight ok back when I was alive!!"


"You don't know that!" said Amelia with a wink. 

"KAAABOOOMMMMM!!" Everyone in the plane was tossed around, screaming as Amelia laughed, smashing down onto the street, while the plane skidded to a halt in front of St. Paul's Cathedral.

"Is everyone else okay!?" Mikoto stammered, getting to her feet.

"BUrp... er.. give.. me a moment.." Mordred muttered dizzily back in the passenger area, clutching onto a seat with both hands.

"Need.. air.." Saten moaned, crawling on the ground as Raven fanned her head with a wing. 

"Everyone off!" Accelerator spat, carrying a dizzy and confused Jeanne on his back as he walked out the open door of the plane. 

Everyone piled off.. and as they did, they all felt a sense of immense unease... 

The church door was open..

"Umm.. St. Paul's Cathedral.. sure this is the place?"  Mikoto asked.

"It's where the Ruler Class Servant is.. and it's the only Servant I could detect for miles besides Smaug." said Jeanne. "If servants are really calling the shots here..  then it would make sense.. though.. I can't imagine a Servant rebelling against the living.. it is the unspoken Golden Rule of Servant and Master.."

"Regardless.. when a rule is Unspoken.. it's the rule with the most loopholes, as most people don't break it because of morals.. not because there is a literal physical barrier to breaking the rule.." said Stiyl. "Is it an unspoken rule that murder is wrong? Yes.. do people still do it? Yes.."

Mikoto nodded. "Let's go in shall we? I have a feeling this guy's expecting us.."

The group steadily approached the door.. 

"Rin.." Shirou said, looking back at the plane. "Stay inside.. keep Arthur in there too.."

"Same with you Amelia.. keep em safe." said Stiyl. 

Mikoto walked over to the ajar door and creaked it further open...  The cathedral was so massive on the inside.. Mikoto could almost not see the person waiting on the other side..

"You've made it.." said the Ruler Servant with a smile, standing up, and spreading his arms out.. "Welcome.. Mikoto Misaka my dear.. and your other fellow Servants.. I also bid thee welcome.. Thor.. Draco.. Raven.. Mordred.. Jeanne.. Anubis..Mash... have no fear.. you are friends here.. "

"Well.. he seems to ignore us doesn't he?" Kakine muttered to Anubis. 

"We have a big group... and he's a Ruler.. The Servants are probably the only names he knows.." said Anubis with a shrug. "Wanna pummel him master?"

"Not yet.." said Kakine. "If he turns out to be immensely irritating.. we'll just kill him."

"Careful!" stammered Thor. "This Ruler.. I can't sense his abilities.. I can only sense his name!"

"Me too." said Jeanne. "Sauron The Great.. also summoned from the Lord of the Rings.. The very Lord of the Rings himself in fact.. but.. even knowing this.. his Noble Phantasm's abilities are hidden from me.."

Sauron smiled as he treaded forward. "Of course.. a Ruler with a superior magical power is able to easily block off select information from his opponents.. consider it like a lesser version of Mordred's Concealment of Pedigree.. requiring excellent practice and skill..  But worry not about defeating me.. like I said before.. We are allies.. it is THEY who are the enemies.."

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 2: Red.Where stories live. Discover now