A Romantic Invitation.

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The sound of safe thin rapiers clashing with each other rang throughout the Tokiwadai gym, as two girls in white padded protective clothing and fencing masks clashed with each other. 

"Haha!" said one of the figures, jumping back. "Well you better be ready! Because I, Mitsuko Kongou was a five time fencing champion back in my home town, so you better be ready to-."

"Fwip!" Kongou's opponent managed to land a smack on on her chest. 

"I win." said Mikoto as she smiled, pulling off her mask.

"Wh.. what!? But.. no fair! I wasn't done talking!" stammered Kongou, pulling off her mask and whipping back her long black hair.

"Which was exactly your mistake." Saber walked over, holding a clipboard and dressed in a tracksuit. "Honestly... if spending time talking gloating during a match were a required staple of fencing, then maybe Dragon Ball would make sense in real life.  Even a Hare can lose a race because the turtle crossed the finish line as he was busy bragging about himself. "

Kongou looked to the side, blushing slightly with embarrassment. "Yes Saber-sensei."

"As for you Mikoto, you've done well, but your form is slightly off when executing long thrusts, try to work a bit on that, otherwise you might find yourself overextending and tripping over your feet." said Saber. 

"Right," said Mikoto nodding. "thanks Saber-sensei!"

Saber turned to the rest of her class, who were sitting on the sidelines, watching. "I do believe that's everyone.. we've worked hard this past month, and whatever the outcome in the championships tomorrow, I have no doubts you'll do well! Let's hit the showers."

The rest of the class cheered and began chatting animatedly with each other as they made their way towards the showers. 

"Nuh-uh-uh.." said Saber suddenly grabbing a particular girl named Kuroko Shirai by the shoulder. "You're not taking a shower till Mikoto's done.."

"AGAIN!? Why!?" Kuroko stammered.

"You and I both know why.." said Saber, an ominous shadow crossing her face. "Rest assured.. if you even THINK about teleporting out of my sight before Mikoto is out of that shower fully dressed, then the last thing you'll ever see before your death is your eyes reflected upon my blade of wrath.." 

"Dear.. such an eloquent threat.." muttered Kuroko, shivering.  "Ohhhhhhh I've been without my Sissy's glorious modest chest for so long ever since you came into the picture.."

"Think of it as an exercise on self control and apply it to your fencing." said Saber.

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT CRAP!! I NEED MY SISSY!!! GAAAHH!!" Kuroko sobbed as she began rolling around on the floor, waving her arms around like a crazy girl.

"You'll live.. you're too tenacious for your own good." said Saber coldly, folding her arms. 

Meanwhile, Mikoto finished up her shower, walking out of the stall and wrapping a towel around herself as she walked over to her personalized gym locker.

Ever since Academy City had moved to personal security lockers through a shared digital account, classroom lockers, hallway lockers and gym lockers now shared a computerized account for students at every major school.  

Mikoto of course suspected ulterior motives by the Board of Directors, but she didn't put much personal information in anyways.. plus it had a convenient messaging function for sending physical letters to students. 

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 2: Red.Where stories live. Discover now