Rebel Railgun

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Mikoto awoke the next day to something weirdly unexpected. 

After agreeing to spend the night on the Private Plane provided by Necessarius on their way to London which was complete with a sleeping area as well as a kitchen.. Mikoto had gone to sleep late after the others turned in.. leaving only Stiyl and the Pilot up.. 

Now when she woke up.. she found herself in the most frightening scenario of her life.. and the scariest part was.. she felt she didn't mind it too much.

She was in MORDRED'S sleeping compartment. She could tell it was Mordred's cause Touma and Index were in the bunk beds next to this one..

And somehow, she had ended up sleeping cuddled in Mordred's arms, just like she had back when they were imprisoned.

"Wh.. wha!?" Mikoto stammered, going red. "M-Mordred! Wake up! Y.. you can't just go kidnapping me!"

"Hmm?" Mordred opened an eye drowsily. "Wha? Oh.. I didn't do anything. Ya came in here.. walking in your sleep, and ya just snuggled up next to me.. I figured ya needed some company, so I let ya in."

HAAAAH!?" Mikoto stammered, unable to believe it.

"hahahahaha! Looks like you really enjoy being around me dontcha?" said Mordred with a wink. 

"Sh.. SHUT UP!!" Mikoto squealed. 

"It's okay kiddo.. I get it.. you're still reeling from all that stuff we went through.. so.. you're still looking for comfort.. thinking you're gonna wake up and we'll be back in that hell." said Mordred, now sounding a little more serious. "Don't worry.. I ain't taking it the wrong way... stay as long as you need to."

"Oh.." Mikoto muttered. "er..  thanks.. by the way.. this thing we're doing now.."


"you wanted Saber to do the same at a point.. didn't you?" Mikoto asked carefully.

Mordred, pausing, then nodded. "Well.. there were a LOT of things I wanted from my Father that just couldn't or wouldn't happen.. I think I might've even gone crazy cause of that.."

"You were kind of crazy.. but you're different now.." said Mikoto.

"Yeah.. cause of you kiddo." said Mordred with a chuckle. "I guess.. I don't really feel a need for some stupid throne anymore.. I've got something a little better than that.."

Mordred jabbed a thumb at Touma and Index. "Those idiots for one.. they just ATTRACT trouble.. gotta look after them.. eheheh... and.. well.."

Mordred kissed Mikoto on the cheek. "You're a nice bonus too."

Mikoto felt her entire body begin overheating as she squealed with fright and rolled out of the bed with a "FWUMP!!"

"O.. Okay look! You're like a sister to me alright!?" stammered Mikoto, jumping to her feet, sputtering. "That's what you are.. like.. a very good.. older sister!! my Onee-chan!! whom I love dearly.. but. but.. I don't love you in that way.. I CAN'T love you in that way.. I'm not gay!! I'm.."

"Uhhuh." said Mordred, still smiling, sitting up in the bed, her arms folded. 


"Cause.. even though I'm rejected now.. doesn't mean I won't eventually be respected." said Mordred with a wink. "I'm not giving up. And besides.. even if you DO happen to snag somebody else.. like maybe that idiot guy over there... as long as you're happy.. I guess I'm okay with it.. but until that happens.. until you're married.."

Mordred pointed at Mikoto, laughing happily. "I'm not gonna stop pursuing you.. My Princess!"

Mikoto couldn't believe it.. however.. as she stared at Mordred.. as if against her better judgment, she couldn't help feeling admiration for Mordred's respect of her.. Kuroko would've never shown the amount of tact Mordred had.. 

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 2: Red.Where stories live. Discover now